Student Support

This year it has ben more important than ever to stay connected to your peers, teachers and school community. Here are some top tips from the school captains and leaders that attended the NEVR student forum...

Top Tips:

  • Check your schools message board or Compass newsfeed to keep up to date with announcements and school events

  • Check your school email every day

  • Particiapte in school competitions and fun activities to keep your morale up, examples include:

      • Digital Olympics

      • Dress up day

      • Debating group

      • School bands/ choirs

      • School musical performances including The Masked Singer

      • Student Vs Teacher days

  • Set up group chats with your friends or classmates to swap revision tips (in line with your School's ICT policy)

  • Contact your school wellbeing team and ask what you can get involved with

  • Use sporting apps or devices to create sports challenges- you're more likely to particpate in exercise if you have friends to keep you accountable