Webinar 2: Call for Calmness

Year 12 Wellbeing Webinar Series - Call for Calmness-20200828 0230-1.mp4

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2. Call for Calmness

Understanding and practicing ways to achieve calmness in your life as an antidote to VCE stressors

· Doses of anxiety- the goldilocks principle

· Peak performance

· Benefits of practiced relaxation and mindfulness

Friday 28th August


Fact Sheet 2

Fact sheet 2.pdf

The Goldilocks Principle

The Goldilocks Principle (https://healthland.time.com/2011/12/20/the-goldilocks-principle-of-stress-too-little-is-almost-as-bad-as-too-much/ ) decribes how too little stress can also be as bad as too much stress. Finding the perfect balance to your stress levels is key when studying.

Reducing Stress

Harvard University says that people tend to activate the fight-or-flight response multiple times during a typical day, usually because of situations that are annoying and stressful, but not life threatening. These include traffic jams, long lines in the grocery store, or — in my case — editorial deadlines. But all those surging stress hormones can take a toll on the body. Over time, such low-grade chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and muscle tension.

The relaxation response may help people to counteract the toxic effects of chronic stress by slowing breathing rate, relaxing muscles, and reducing blood pressure.

See below for a few ways you can create that relaxation response.

Apps and Tips for Reducing Stress

The Perfect Amount of Stress – Psychology Today

Youtube video on Smiling Mind

The power of the relaxation response – American Psychological Association

Psychological Preparation for Peak Performance in Sports Competition - Journal of Education and Practice Vol.7, No.12, 2016