
We encourage our students to engage in daily mathematics tasks. It is beneficial for students to see how maths is used in their world so we would encourage you to explore how mathematics is used:

  • when looking at time and timetables

  • in calendars

  • through money such as paying bills and purchasing items

  • in activities such as cooking which allow for the use of measurement and fractions

  • when playing with Lego or blocks (which can be extended to counting, patterns, shape, sorting, visualisation etc.)

  • when playing card games that involve strategy, reasoning, sorting, ordering and the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division

Refer to your child's Year Level tab for core learning tasks then head back here for additional tasks to support their learning.

Number experiences.docx
Problem Solving activities.docx
M and G experiences.docx

Additional Activities
(For a little bit of fun)
