Welcome to Grade One

Events & Reminders

Monday 15th April

Term 1 begins

Thursday 25th April

ANZAC Day - Public Holiday

Friday 7th June

Report Writing Day - Student Free Day

Monday 10th June

King's Birthday - Public Holiday

Thursday 13th June

Inquiry Incursion

Friday 28th June

Last day of Term 2

Term 2 Summary

Our Inquiry focus is 'How do our bodies work?'

In Literacy we are learning to write informational texts. The graphemes we are going to focus on are oa, ar, or, aw, ir, er, ur and air. 

In Maths our topics change each week. Some things we will cover are place value, patterns, shape, ordering numbers, counting on and counting back, length and area. 

Grade One Staff

Our teachers this year are:

Anastassia Sibonis - 1A

Melissa Forrest - 1F

Nicole Sullivan - 1N

Jen Schanssema - 1S

Alana Whitby - 1W

Our teachers are supported by:

Ange Van Grondelle

Annette Lindsay

Vasia Di Giovanni