Subject Guide > Year 9 2024 > Innovations Program

InnoVations Program

The focus of the Year 9 program is on positive relationships, challenges, social justice, and personal growth.

It is widely accepted in educational circles that Year 9 is a time in an adolescent's life of cognitive, physical, social, and emotional change.

At Edgars Creek Secondary College, our values are Respect All, Look to Inspire Yourself and Others, Aim to Innovate and Embrace Learning. It is through these values that we continue to support the development of our Year 9 Students.

Positive Relationships

Developing the whole child through wellbeing, engagement and learning is integral to the very fabric of our Year 9 program. The positive relationship between all members of the school community is important to the growth and development of students at Year 9.

We promote and teach School Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB), increasing the social awareness and emotional literacy required of our students in the 21st Century.


Every student knows their best, but we want them to go beyond just doing their best, we want our students to challenge themselves every day. Challenge comes in many shapes and forms for our students.

Within our Year 9 program, we continue to develop curriculum and pedagogy that equips our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to not only challenge themselves but to face the challenges of day  o day life with courage and resilience.

Social Justice

We believe that giving back to the community and the creation of a better world is at the forefront of developing students as responsible citizens in the 21st Century.

We want our Year 9 students to be passionate about fairness, justice and feel empowered to influence and make change. We have catered for this through a range of programs aimed at student voice and agency.

Personal Growth

We have developed programs that allow our students to reflect on their skills, knowledge and dreams for the future. We explore the theme of Who am I? to allow students to think deeply about who they are and their purpose in making the world a better place for all.

It is through study skills and career days that we give students the opportunity to self-reflect, build skills to become a more successful student and consider their future  career through the lens of their skills and interests.