Grade 5

Term 1

Grade Five students learnt how to explore and express ideas through one-point perspective drawing. Students developed drawing skills using one-point perspective and vanishing points. Students also explored rendering and shading techniques to create space by experimenting with perspective and three-dimensional forms. Students were encouraged to identify and inquire into aspects of how the world works. These activities explored architectural concepts and links between art and science and encouraged problem solving, responsibility of equipment and self-reflection.

"The Small Village"
Kira, 5A

"Busy Street"
Billy, 5A

"The Points Sunset"
Isla, 5A

"The Nowhere Place"
Phoebe, 5A

"Rainbow Lightning"
Nicolas, 5B

"The Pond Town"
Frankie, 5B

"The Town of Life"
Logan, 5B

"Night in the Alps Village"
Mia, 5B

"Earth Town"
Kobe, 5C

"Sunset Dreaming Canopy"
Lily, 5C

"Sunset View"
Thomas, 5C

Felicity, 5C

"Sunset Road"
Luna, 5D

"Star Town"
Maggie, 5D

"Sunshine Mania"
Pei Wen, 5D

"Shop Central"
Ben, 5D

Term 2

Grade Five students looked at how conflict concepts and themes have been depicted in art by international and Australian artists. Students explored symbolic meaning in artworks and how artists portray emotion. They created an artwork as a response to Sidney Nolan's "Ned Kelly" series (1946-1947) depicting Ned Kelly as either an outlaw or a hero.

Daisy, 5B

Mia, 5B

Isla, 5A

Sophie, 5B

Nicolas, 5B

Talia, 5C

Stella, 5B

Zara, 5C