Grade 1

Term 1

During term one students learnt how to explore and express ideas through observation and imagination in the artworks they created. Students developed skills with observational drawings of still life set ups. They were encouraged to identify and inquire into aspects of a healthy lifestyle in their works and they reinforced healthy lifestyle choices.

Meika 1A

Bruce 1A

Daniel 1A

Sienna 1A

Alaric 1B

Daniel 1B

Daphne 1B

Millie H 1B

Stella 1C

Harry B. 1C

Poppy 1C

Madeleine 1C

Ellie 1D

Sebastian 1C

Grace 1D

Lachie 1D

Term 2

In term two students worked through a creative unit focusing on storytelling, and cultural identity. They made a textile collage in the form of a puppet focusing on their own identity.

Selena 1A

Finn 1A

Sofia 1A

Declan 1A

Daphne 1B

Freya 1B

Betty 1B

Isla 1B

Liam 1C

Fraser 1C

Lulu 1C

Zoe 1C

Milla 1D

Grace 1D

Harry B. 1D

Orlando 1D