Units of Inquiry & Specialists

Units of Inquiry

Brighton Primary School caters to the whole child by providing rich and engaging units of inquiry and a comprehensive specialists subjects program. The 5 units of inquiry across the school year in Grade Prep can be seen below. 

Who We Are - Relationships & Challenges

How We Organise Ourselves - Our Community

How the World Works - Cycles

How We Express Ourselves - Creativity

We have an 'Inquiry Hall' that has a range of materials and resources linked to units of inquiry. During set times during the week, students engage in structured and teachers support developmental play. This play approach enables students to pursue things catered to their interests, develop a rich oral vocabulary that supports reading and writing and builds team and collaboration skills. 

Building and Constructing

Role Play

Communication Skills

Role Play

Specialists Subjects

Our students engage in a 50 minute per week session in each of the specialist subjects below. 

French Language and Culture


Music and Drama

Physical Education 

Our Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P.) is in addition to Physical Education class and targets the development of a range of key skills essential for Grade Prep students. 

Newsletter item - complete - 2021.pdf

Special Event: 100 days of Prep

Roald Dahl Day - newsletter.pdf

Special Event: Roald Dahl Day