Extra Education Support


About Executive Function

Many kids who learn and think differently have trouble with executive function. All kids with ADHD struggle with it.

These difficulties don’t mean kids aren’t smart. Brain differences make it hard for kids like Josh to focus, set goals, get started, and stay on task. This includes things like doing homework and daily routines.

These kinds of struggles are often misunderstood. People might think kids are just being lazy or aren’t capable of doing more. But with the right support, kids with executive functioning issues can thrive.

There are lots of ways to help at home and in school. Support can help kids like Josh get organized and stay on top of assignments. It can also help them feel less stressed and more confident.

Adapted from an NCLD infographic and the work of Thomas E. Brown, PhD.


What is ADHD

ADHD in Children Infographic

ADD/ADHD is a condition affecting both children and adults; estimates suggesting approximately 300,000 or more Canadians are diagnosed each year. Both diseases cause disabling symptoms that impede development and impair social function. ADHD is a mental disorder that interferes with the learning process, impedes social and cognitive development, and can be a precursor to a variety of other conditions. The ADHD in Children Infographic gives you some useful tips and tricks for parents as well as teachers in order to better understand how to manage children with ADHD.

Via: http://disabilitycreditcanada.com/resource/adhd-in-children-infographic/

Helpful Items

Weighted Blankets

Is it a struggle for your child with autism to relax and fall asleep? A therapeutic weighted blanket, also known as a sensory blanket, may be what your child needs to help reduce anxiety. Weighted blankets can help bring a sense of calm. Learn how anxiety and sleep dysregulation can affect children with autism. Find out the consequences of sleep deprivation, and guidelines for weighted blankets.

Inside look at ADHD

Type 1 and Type 2