
Numeracy website:

Some ideas for maths:

  • Cooking: Cook a recipe with a family member. Measure the ingredients.

  • Set the dining table. Ask many questions. How many people? How many plates, knives and forks will we need? Do we have enough chairs?

  • Wash your hands while counting to 30.

  • Sort some toys into groups by size (big and small), colour, shape.

  • Race to 10: This is a 2 person game. Start with 5 blocks or items each. The first person will roll a dice and take that many blocks away from the other person. (online dice here, click the dice to roll: The second person will then have their roll and do the same. The first person who gets all 10 blocks is the winner! Too easy? Try with 20 blocks/items!

  • Count how many jumps you can do in a row. How many times can you throw a ball in the air without dropping it? How long can you stand on 1 leg?

  • Play a board game or a game with playing cards, dice or dominoes.

  • Help sort the washing out, folding and putting clothes away. Sorting and pairing socks etc.

  • Use a calendar to count down to a specific event .

  • Place the numbers 1-10 on post it notes around the house and send your child on a number hunt. Make sure they collect them in the right order.

  • Thread fruit onto skewers to create patterns.

  • Sort leaves from the garden into size order.

  • Give your child a ruler or similar item to measure length (pencils, spoons etc will all work!). Have them measure things around the house to find things that are longer or shorter than their given item.

  • Use a timer to see how long it takes to pack away toys. Can you beat the timer? As you pack away use the words first, second, third to develop and understanding of position.

  • In the sandpit, use a stick to draw and copy different shapes in the sand.

  • Use cookie cutters to make different shaped cookies. Can you draw and name the shapes? Alternatively cut out shapes out of fruit, bread, or playdough.

  • Shapes: Choose a shape and find objects in the house that are the same shape.

  • In a patty cake pan get your child to place individual numbers of items into each space. Use any type of loose materials.

  • More or less game: Make a collection of items with your child. One person will hide their eyes while the other either adds an item or takes one away. Open eyes. Is there more or less items?

Everyday Programs and Practice