Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Classes

Electronic sounds

Lesson 2: Experiment and compose

Experiment and compose music with technology

Student music resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 5 to 8 music

What will I learn?

You will:

  • describe electronic compositions

  • experiment with music software

  • create an electronic music composition

  • reflect on your composition.

Before you begin

You will need:

  • a device (such as a computer or tablet) for the music software.

  1. Describe

Listen to the music in the following 5 dance performance excerpts.

Describe the music in each performance:

  • Is the tempo (speed) fast or slow?

  • Are the dynamics (volume) loud or soft?

  • Is the pitch mostly high or low?

  • What sounds can you hear? Describe them.

  • How does the music make you feel (joyful, nervous, energetic)? Explain why you think that is.

State Dance Festival 2018 - Lock and key excerpt

NSW Public Schools Urban Dance CrewDuration: 02:03

State Dance Festival 2019 - Boy overboard excerpt

Western Liverpool Community of Schools EnsembleDuration: 01:03

State Dance Festival 2019 - Uprising excerpt

NSW Public Schools Senior Ensemble 2Duration: 01:03

2. Watch

Watch the video 'DJ Kid'.

DJ Kid

Duration: 03:32

How did Rhys Toms (aka Black Summer) learn the skills required to become a DJ and music producer?

4. Experiment

Experiment with various music software that you have available.

Let's first try the following 3 different examples:

  1. Virtual theremin - Theremix - Select the drop down arrow for how to play:

  • Select the red 'play' symbol (middle of screen) to start.

  • The 'hand' button (top left of screen) allows you to turn on and use your camera. You can then use gestures to play the virtual theremin.

  • Alternatively, move your mouse or cursor to play.

  • You can also adjust the volume, oscillator and glide dials on the virtual theremin.

  • Adjust the volume, oscillator, key/scale, octaves and glide in settings (top right of screen).

2. Drum beats - Groove Pizza - Select the drop down arrow for how to play:

  • Select dots (pattern or random) along the bottom rows on the screen. When selected, the dots will get larger and change colour.

  • Select 'play' (bottom, middle of screen) to hear what that pattern would sound like on an electronic drum kit.

  • Create up to 4 different patterns by selecting the circles at the bottom of the page and adjusting the pattern for each circle.

  • Select the 'Specials' and 'Shapes' buttons (top left of screen) to experiment with different sounds and patterns.

  • Select the volume, bpm (beats per minute), swing and slices buttons (bottom left of screen) to adjust the beat and sound.

  • Select the angle and shape icons (bottom left of screen) to see the angles and shapes that have been created.

3. Looping - SuperLooper - Select the drop down arrow for how to play:

  • To start, tap the screen or use the top row of your keyboard (keys Q to P).

  • Tap the screen or use your keyboard to make sounds.

  • Start or stop the metronome (the background clicking beat) by turning 'click' on or off. This button is found in the top left corner of the screen.

  • Adjust the tempo (speed) using the 'tempo' button in the top left of the screen.

  • Select 'record (top left of screen) to record a beat or sound.

  • Continue to select the empty circles (top middle of screen under the headings drums, rhythm, chords, bass and lead) and record a new sound each time. This will add the sound to your looped recording.

  • Select 'restart' to begin again.

Other games or apps you might like to explore:


Drum machine


4. Compose

Independently or in groups, use your chosen app or software to compose an electronic masterpiece!

You will need to use an app that can record and save your work.


Your composition should:

  • be approximately 1 minute long

  • include at least 5 different sounds

  • have at least 2 changes.


Your changes could be changes in:

  • tempo (speed)

  • rhythm (pattern)

  • pitch (high, middle and low sounds)

  • dynamics (loud and soft sounds)

  • tone colour (different instruments and sounds).

Prepare and share

When you are composing, it takes a lot of time experimenting, editing and refining your piece.

It's good to have a play and try out different ideas!

When you are happy with your composition, make sure you save it then share it with your class!

5. Reflect

Reflect on your musical composition and answer the following questions:

  • In 3 words, how would you describe your composition?

  • What would you name your composition? Give it a title.

  • What instruments or sounds did you include? Why did you include these?

  • What changes happen during your song?

  • What software or app did you use to create it?

  • What did you find challenging when you were composing?

  • What do you like most about your composition?

Congratulations, beat makers and music creators!

You have created your own electronic music composition and have completed this Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Class!