Teacher information


Arts education is an important platform for students to thrive, express, create, collaborate, learn and excel. 

It is with great excitement that we look forward to welcoming you and your students to the inaugural Southern Tablelands Drama Festival. 

This Google site is a one-stop space for all information, details and expectations for the festival.


The Southern Tablelands Drama Festival is an event for public schools across the Southern Tablelands and beyond. 

The Festival aims to:

We can't wait to see your students take to the stage! 


Please contact Sue Dawson - Arts Coordination Officer should you have any further questions or concerns:

Email: susan.i.dawson@det.nsw.edu.au

Phone: 0402 992 897

Need some support?

Schools requiring assistance with their drama works should contact Sue Dawson (0402 992 897) to have a mentor assigned to the school to assist with preparations.

Important information

Festival dates

Performance time 


Goulburn Performing Arts Centre


Tickets can be purchased online from Goulburn Performing Arts Centre from Monday 12 August 2024 (Term 3 Week 4).

Please note: The GPAC charge a $1.50 service fee per ticket.

School application form

Please submit  STDrF 2024 - School participation form to confirm your participation in the festival and provide details of the number of items, genre, anticipated timing and preferred rehearsal time.

This form is required to be submitted by Friday 26 July 2024 (Term 3 Week 1).

All forms for the festival can also be found on the Festival forms and RMPs page.


Following the closing of submissions , schools will be notified of their technical rehearsal timeslot by Friday 2 August (Term 3 Week 2).

Schedule of day

Technical rehearsals will take place during the day at:

Schools are encouraged to watch some or all of the other technical rehearsals on the day.


Students will, at all times, be under the duty of care of their teacher/s throughout the festival.   

A maximum of 2 parent volunteers (if required) per school will be allowed backstage and must be named on the student and staff roll submitted.  Parent volunteers cannot be swapped throughout the day.

Principals will be required to sign off on all staff, aides and parent volunteers attending the festival to ensure they meet Department guidelines for WWCC and mandatory training.

Risk management plans

RMP documentation has been provided for use by schools when preparing their excursion RMPs for the festival. 

Festival structure

Style of drama

Item/s can be drawn from any genre: circus, comedy, commedia dell’ arte, puppetry, scripted drama, play-built piece, movement, mime, documentary drama, musical theatre, mask theatre etc.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups exploring First Nation stories are actively encouraged to participate.


Drama pieces must be devised with the guidelines of the festival in mind. 

All items must be appropriate for young audience members to view.

Successful items are those items that contain a strong theme and are appropriate to the age and ability of your students. 

When creating your work, it is important to identify the intended concept/intent or theme. Spend time reflecting on what you are trying to communicate to the audience and how you are going to communicate it.

Sensitivity should be displayed in the treatment of themes such as romantic relationships, depression, suicide, racism, sexism, drug and alcohol abuse etc. If these themes are explored, they should be treated in a more abstract context rather than representational. 

Performances that have disturbing, violent or culturally inappropriate content or costuming are not suitable for a public schools drama festival.

As there is no audition process, all performances must be viewed in full by the school principal prior to the festival and have their endorsement of the content.

Number of items

Each school may nominate a maximum of 3 items for the festival.  All items submitted will be included in the festival. Should you have more than 3 items that you wish to submit please contact Sue Dawson.  These items will only be considered if there is available space in the program. 

Number of students

Each item should have a minimum of 8 performers and a maximum of 30 performers. An exception will be made for small schools and SSP schools where numbers may need to be adapted to suit the needs and/or numbers of their students. 

Length of items

Short, dynamic performance items are encouraged for all schools!

Performance time must include set and strike time of the item.


We encourage the inclusion of students with a disability and will work with the school to ensure any modifications or special provisions required are met.

Bay Pavilions is fully accessible and there is direct access to the stage for wheelchair users.

Student behaviour

The FSCDF is a Department of Education event and as such, like at school, all students are expected to abide by the Department’s Behaviour Code for Students. Students are representing themselves, their families and their school whilst at the festival.

Video, photography and publicity consent

Publicity consent

Students will be required to have their parent/carer sign the STDrF 2024 - Student publicity consent form prior to the festival and return it to their teacher.  Forms will remain at the school.  

Students without permission to publish are welcome to perform in their school item at the festival.  School principals and coordinating teachers will be contacted and options discussed as far as photography and filming of their items.


The festival will be filmed and a copy of each school's item supplied to the coordinating teacher.  This video cannot be sold to families due to copyright.  School items with students who do not have publicity consent will still be filmed and a copy of the performance provided to the principal for use at a school level at the discretion of the principal.  Schools will also have permission to video their own item during rehearsals.


A professional photographer will be available at the festival.  Photos will be available for sale to schools and families following the festival.  

Please note: Audience members will NOT be able to take photos or videos during the performances due to copyright and child protection.  Please ensure your families are aware of this.

Select the photography and video button to access more detailed information.

Other student opportunities at the festival


The FSCDrF is looking for confident and enthusiastic public speaking students from Years 5 to 12 to act as comperes at the festival.  

Students taking up a position as compere should not be a performer in the festival and must have publicity consent.

Comperes' will be required to attend the festival during the day to rehearse prior to the evening show.

Comperes will be required to wear their school uniform for the show.

If you have a student you would like to nominate please include their nomination on the STDrF 2024 - School participation form.

Backstage crew

An opportunity is available for interested students in Years 9 to 12 students to work as backstage crew at the festival. 

Backstage crew will assist with set, prop and cast movement throughout the show.  

Backstage crew will be required to wear black pants and black t-shirt/jumper during the show.

Please email Sue Dawson - susan.i.dawson@det.nsw.edu.au if you have students you wish to nominate to be part of the crew. 

Copyright guidelines


The Far South Coast Drama Festival adheres to all copyright laws.  

Please also note that in your application form you will be required to provide the details (title, artist, composer, publisher/record company) of each music track and sound effect used.



Costumes and props


Drama items can be performed in 'drama blacks' (black pants/shorts and black t-shirt) or costume appropriate to your performance.  

Costumes should:


If using props, they should appear as an integral part of the item, complementing, not dominating it.  

Please consider:

Staging and lighting


Stage diagram


Schools will be supported during their rehearsal by the GPAC lighting technician to design a lighting plan for your item/s.

Please download the  lighting design plan/s proforma to use and place the completed plan nto the STDrF 2024 teacher drive - lighting plan folder  

Lighting background

All schools can use:


The FSCDrF is committed to offering a COVID safe event in 2023. 

The festival committee works in conjunction with the Department of Education and supported by The Arts Unit to ensure that the operation of this program is contingent on the COVID-19 advice provided by the department in consultation with NSW Health. 

Schools are also required to ensure the consent statement provided by the department is included in permission note paperwork for the festival to seek additional parent or carer consent around the risk of COVID-19.

Additional resources

You might like to explore the following Creative Teacher resources developed by The Arts Unit to assist in your preparations for the festival.

Third-party content attributions 

No third-party attributions.

Produced by The Arts Unit    © State of New South Wales (Department of Education), 2024.The copyright material published on this website is subject to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and is owned by the NSW Department of Education or, where indicated, by a party other than the NSW Department of Education.
[WARNING]Some of this material may have been copied [and communicated to you] in accordance with the statutory licence in section 113P of the Copyright Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.