

Texture describes how many musical layers are played at the same time and how thick or thin the music sounds.

Layers in a musical texture

Texture can be thin or thick (dense or sparse) or anywhere in between.

If a piece has only one layer of sound, it creates a thin texture. 

As instruments are added to the texture it becomes more dense or thick. 

Look at the image

It is an example of a melody with parallel harmony, chords, a bass line and a rhythmic part. 

Together they create 5 layers within the musical texture.

One way to create interest and variety in a piece of music is to vary the textures used throughout. 

Lines drawn with different thickness and textures depicting the 5 layers in a melody

Suggested activities

Teaching notes

Formative assessment

Syllabus outcomes

The student: 

Music 7-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2003, accessed 04/04/22.