Texture types

Task 1 Thin texture

Listen to the three pieces of music below and write some reflections of the textures you heard in the piece on the Texture Y Chart.

Watch Little Fish from (0:00 to 0:22) this piece starts with a thin texture only 1 instrument.

Thin texture, light passes through

Thin textured material that shows light passing thorugh

Little Fish

Duration 3:39 

Task 2 - Thicker texture

Watch Victory (The Good One) (from 1:05 until 3:13). This is an example of a dense, thick texture 

Thicker, denser texture

Thicker textured material

Victory (The Good One)

Duration 3:39 

Task 3 - Variety of texture

Watch Ólafur Arnalds (58:30 to 58:46) is quite thick, followed by (58:46 to 59:13) a thinner section, then (59:13 - 59:37) quite thin with only 2 sound sources and (59:37) finishes with a thin texture of solo piano. 

Variety of textures to create interest

A patchwork quilt showing a variety of textures

Ólafur Arnalds

Duration 01:18