parent/carer Guide

Learning from home

To provide learning continuity for your child, it is important they have as much routine and certainty as possible. School plays a large role in your child’s routine. To support learning at home, you’re not required to be a subject expert or educator. Your role is to partner with school to support your child’s home learning. You will be provided with a carefully considered balance of online and offline activities.

Teachers will be available during school hours to support home learning. Please contact them through appropriate channels for assistance. Please remember to check in with your child's teacher via Seesaw if your child is working from home.


School Responsibilities

School responsibilities include:

  • communicating with you and students about what students and parents need to do

  • communicating with you and providing learning activities for students to do at home

  • using their normal communication tools such as the school newsletters, emails and other online tools


Parent/Carer Responsibilities

Parent/carer responsibilities include:

  • establishing routines and expectations

  • providing a comfortable space for students to work in

  • providing a level of supervision appropriate to each student's stage of development

  • monitoring communications from teachers

  • seeking out and communicating with school staff as different needs arise and helping students communicate proactively with teachers if they cannot meet deadlines or require additional support

  • beginning and ending each day with a check-in

  • taking an active role in helping students process their learning, whilst not actually doing tasks for them

  • encouraging physical activity and/or exercise

  • checking in with students regularly to help them manage and pace their work

  • monitoring how much time students are spending online


Student Responsibilities

Student responsibilities include:

  • establishing and/or following a daily routine for learning

  • identifying a safe, comfortable, quiet space in their home where they can work effectively and successfully

  • regularly monitoring digital platforms and communication (Google Classroom, Seesaw, email, etc.) to check for announcements and feedback from teachers

  • completing tasks to the best of their ability, ensuring all work is the students own

  • doing their best to meet timelines, commitments and due dates

  • seeking out and communicating with school staff as different needs arise and communicating proactively with teachers if they cannot meet deadlines or require additional support

  • collaborating and supporting their classmates in their learning

  • complying with the school's ICT Code of Conduct

  • complying with the Department of Education's ICT policy

Establishing routines and expectations

It’s important that you set routines and expectations as soon as learning from home begins.

This includes:

  • Start and end each day with a check-in

  • Encourage regular exercise breaks. Options could include exercise apps, dancing, floor exercises, yoga, walking around the garden or using home exercise equipment. For example, a stationary bicycle, basketball hoop, or other sporting equipment

  • Encourage healthy eating habits and drinking enough water

  • Keep normal bedtime routines for younger children. Expect the same from your older primary children too

Managing screen time and online safety

It’s important you keep a balanced approach to home learning. Time spent using digital devices for learning should be broken up with physical exercise and offline learning tasks.

It’s also important that during this period of remote learning that we maintain safe and responsible use of information and communication technologies.

This includes:

  • the appropriate use of digital platforms, privacy and information protection

  • respectful online communication

Practical advice to students and parents on the responsible use of technology.

Advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online.

Message from our counsellor

Wow, the world sure has had some big changes lately and you may have found yourself stuck at home more than you would have liked to be... or not. Take this time to ask yourself, how are you feeling about all these changes?

Maintaining good mental health is more important than ever during these uncertain times but thankfully there is plenty of help out there and ways you can help yourself too!

Whilst I can’t see you in person at the moment, I am more than happy to provide "tele-school counselling" (telephone and videoconferencing).

Our staff are busy calling students so if you would like to get in contact with me, please let your teacher know via Seesaw. You can also call the school on (02) 4443 4251 and ask to be put through to me or email and I’ll be in touch!

Here are some resources that might help.

Online web chat and phone counselling.

Free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12-25 and their families and friends.

Online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Provide practical support, tools and tips.

Telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents of children ages 0 to 18.

Resources to support children with trauma.

department of education

Find out more about remote learning on the Department of Education's website.