Wellbeing Day Home

It's Wellbeing Week OCT 11-15


Our PPHS community will have the opportunity to switch off from school, have some fun, take time away from devices, let our hair down and participate in a wide variety of activities to connect with friends and family, realign our chakras, clear our mind or simply do something we wouldn't normally do!

Wellbeing Week 11-15 OCT is a special week of activities, events and resources focused on mental health and wellbeing - for students, parents, carers, teachers and other staff. See the department's resources for Wellbeing Week here

Wellbeing Day 3 - A Celebration of Spring WED OCT 13

CLASS IS CANCELLED for students in Years 7-11

Refreshed activities for another exciting day! Students, staff and families can rest and relax OR attempt to win prizes by participating in our third Wellbeing Day. Here's how to get involved:

1) Choose your favourite activities below

2) Be creative and have FUN!

3) Prizes will be awarded to the most creative submissions

Submit your responses here

Who is excited for the warm weather and Spring?

Bake something representing your culture

Create your own flower arrangement

Mindfulness in the sun

Picnic or day party with your friends in your backyard

Spring clean your bedroom

Write a poem about "New beginnings"

Show us "Spring" with an artwork

Prepare your school uniform, polish your shoes!

Plant a seedling or propagate a new plant

Recreate a natural landmark with household items e.g. Niagra falls, Uluru, The Nile River

Take a photo of a sunrise or sunset

Move your body e.g. bike ride, skip, dance...

Some useful activities for you from the Department of Education

Department ran "wellbeing Sessions" are also available to participate in for you this week. See the link to the left for more information on these sessions and how to get involved!