Wellbeing Day 2

Wellbeing Day 2 - Friday 3rd September

CLASS IS CANCELLED for students in Years 7-11

New challenges for another exciting day! Students, staff and families can attempt to win one of many prizes by participating in our second Wellbeing Day. Here's how to get involved:

1) Choose your favourite activities and be sure to note how many points are awarded for each.

2) Note, activities are organised into certain categories (more points for more categories completed).

3) The aim is to achieve 100 points or more to go into the draw to win a prize.

Enter your submissions and score here!

1. Something for your mind - virtual scavenger hunt

Virtual Scavenger Hunt 30 points

  • Solve each riddle and take a picture of the solution

  • The fastest entries to solve the riddles correctly will automatically win a prize

  • Submit ONE photo with all your solutions on it here!

The riddles will be released at 11AM Friday morning (watch out for this in your DoE emails!)


2. Something for yourself

What are you grateful for? 20 points

Write a gratitude journal entry. See how to here

What is being Mindful? 20 points

Download the "Smiling Mind " App and participate in some mindfulness

Can you handstand? 10 points

Gain permission from your parents/carers and follow this guided tutorial OR show us your best handstand

3. Something for someone else

Make a PenPal! 20 points

Send a friend a letter (or call them)

Who loves giving presents? 20 points

Make a present for someone important in your life

Selflessness feels good! 30 points

Wash your parents car or wash the dishes or vacuum the house

4. Something to connect with others

Netflix Party! 20 points

Install the "Teleparty" extension and watch a movie with a group of friends

Hide a gratitude message 20 points

Write a gratitude message and subtly hide it somewhere you think the person will find it

Spread positivity 20 points

Write nice messages in chalk on the footpath in front of your house

5. Something creative

Spin your favourite story! 30 points

Enter yourself in the Australian Young Writer's "Creative Writing Competition 2021"

Earth Art! 30 points

Use any natural material from your backyard to create a masterpiece/artwork

Origami.... but with a towel! 20 points

Make your favourite animal origami with a towel. See an example here and here