Contact our school counsellors

Supporting Your Wellbeing...

We are available throughout the week during school time to provide counselling support and you can have individual telephone or video counselling session. If you would like a counselling session, you can email the school or complete the form below with the following steps:

  1. Complete the referral form (located on this page)

  2. Provide parent/carers contact details, they will be contacted if there are safety concerns

  3. Provide your mobile number (this will not be shared with anyone unless there is an emergency)

Katherine or Jeff will contact you to organise a session time.

Please note, this service is NOT monitored outside of normal school hours (8.30am-3.30pm, Monday-Friday) and we can’t guarantee that the School Counsellors will get back to you on the same day.

There are also other people at school who can support you and even make a referral to the School Counselling service on your behalf. You are encouraged to seek out a trusted teacher, Year Advisor, Head Teacher Wellbeing or someone from the Learning and Support Team.

Other Support Services:

Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800


Headspace on 1800 650 890

• Lifeline on 13 11 14

*** If this is an emergency, call 000. ***