General Information


Children are required by law to attend school every day the school is operational. Home School Liaison Officers regularly check class rolls for attendance, punctuality, and partial absences. Please avoid medical, dental or therapy appointments during school hours.

If your child is sick or absent for any period of time, please complete the form on the SkoolBag App, or email the school. Where families require students to take extended leave outside of the school holiday period, an application is made to the Principal. For leave longer than five days, Departmental approval is required. These forms are available in the school office.

Children may be left in the playground from 8:45 am, as the playground is supervised from this time. Children arriving at school earlier than this time must be booked into before and after-school care.

Parents are advised that there is no direct teacher supervision in the playground from 3:15 pm. Parents are required to enrol their child in After School Care if they don’t have an alternative for supervision after school.


A number of bus routes service Neutral Bay Public School. Some are regular services, and others are special school services. Further information is available from

The bus stop is adjacent to the school on Ben Boyd Road. All children travelling home by bus are supervised boarding buses.

Who can apply?

Students may need to live a minimum distance from their school to be eligible for a School Opal card.

 Years K – 2: There’s no minimum distance.

 Years 3 – 6: More than 1.6km straight line distance or at least 2.3km walking.


Our students' health and well-being are central to providing our fresh, high-quality food options. All lunch orders are made online via Flexischools at before 8:30 am on the relevant morning. No child will ever be left hungry. If your child forgets their lunch at home, the canteen will provide a simple lunch and ask that you pay them the next day. 


School App

Our school app, SkoolBag, is available free of charge and provides you with information on school events. The app will provide you with a range of important information, such as the calendar of events, newsletter, notes and notices, school policies and eForms.

School Facebook Page

The Neutral Bay Closed Facebook Group is a fun and exciting avenue to share news with our school community. If you would like to join this forum, please follow the steps below:


All clothing should be labelled for ease of identification. Lost property baskets are located in the school administration building and can be inspected by parents for missing items.

At the end of the school term, any unclaimed items are returned to the Uniform Shop or given to local charities.

Parent Partnerships

When your children start school at Neutral Bay, parents have the opportunity to join various support groups. At general meetings, parents are encouraged to take on an active role in school life.

School Council

The School Council plays an important role in bringing together school and parent community members. 

Its charter is to collaborate with parents and staff to form policy direction for the school. The School Council does not decide on short-term, daily management issues. Instead, it focuses on significant school-wide matters, policies, and educational directions.

The School Council meets twice each term, and elections are held in March.

Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

All parents are welcome to be members of the P&C Association, which promotes networks of friendship and support within the school community.

It is a monthly forum to discuss the school's educational, social and welfare aspects. The P&C also coordinates social functions and fundraising events and supports the organisation of official school events. This allows parents and staff members to come together in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

P&C fundraising activities contribute significantly to the school's annual budget and are important community-building initiatives. The success of the P&C depends on volunteer parent participation, and we encourage all parents to become involved.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month from 7:30 pm. Elections are held annually in November.

Class Coordinators

Class coordinators organise social functions and other official communications involving all parents relevant to their child’s class. 

The P&C, in conjunction with the Principal, helps to oversee the class coordinators and help coordinate their activities.


We have access to school counsellors who are registered psychologists. They are available for children or families needing educational, emotional or behavioural assistance. Teachers may refer a child to a school counsellor through the Learning Support Team, and a form will be given to the parents to complete relevant background information. If parents wish to make an appointment with a school counsellor, this can be done through the school office. School counsellors will generally only deliver counselling or assessment for issues impacting learning in the classroom.


A Statement of Account (Invoice) will be emailed to you at the beginning of the school year with itemised fees and contributions due for payment. Each subsequent term, a statement will be emailed to you with the balance owing on your account. Fees include the cost of excursions, sport, specialist programs, curriculum fees and payment for essential school items. Please note that additional excursions may be added throughout the year.


Half-hour religious lessons are held every Wednesday. Volunteer teachers appointed by each denomination teach these lessons. We offer Anglican, Baha’i, Buddhist, Catholic and Jewish Classes. We also have a non-scripture group that does quiet activities during this time.