Kindergarten Orientation videos and activities

Let's hear a story

Mrs Rees is reading The First Day of School by Toby Forward, illustrated by Carol Thompson.

At home can you practice getting ready for your first day? 

Can you try packing your backpack? 

 Don't forget to include:

Fruit break time

Every day at school we take a break from learning and crunch and sip on some fruit or vegetables and have a drink of water.  

Let's find out what happens in K/1T.

Take a look at the chart below for some great ideas on what you can bring for crunch and sip. 

Come and look inside a kindergarten classroom 

Mrs Whitty will show you inside KW's classroom.

Name writing

When you come to school you will have a name card to help you copy your name. 

At school we write in NSW Foundation Style writing. Your name starts with a capital letter and is followed by lower case letters. 

Let's watch Mrs Holland as she copies a name card. 

Here are the letters for you to copy and practice write your name. 

NSW Foundation Style 

Maddie's First Day

Miss Guider is reading Maddie's First Day by Penny Matthews, illustrated by Liz Anelli

Does your tummy feel a bit 'wobbly' about starting school like Maddie in the story?

You could try taking 5 deep breaths before you walk in the school gate, or talk to a friend about how you feel.

When you get to school, go to the classroom to unpack your bag. Give mum or dad a big hug, wave goodbye and hang your bag outside the classroom on a hook.  Now you're ready to find a friend and start the day.

Mrs Reynolds is sharing one of her favourite stories.  

Do you know 'Where is the green sheep?'

You can join in with the story. 

Outside under the COLA 

(Covered Outdoor Learning Area)

When you come to school there are lots of fun activities to try outdoors.

Here is the school office

There are lots of people at school who help us during the day.  In the office you may see Mrs Inglis, Mrs Trigas or Mrs Lock.

A visit to the canteen 

After you have been at school for a little while, you can order your lunch from the canteen or buy a treat at recess or lunch. Here is Mrs Grant to say hello.

Looking forward to seeing you all at school next year!