Years 11 & 12

General Library Advice for Years 11 & 12

Welcome to your library!

The Left-Side of the Library is a designated Senior Study Zone. 

You are welcome to use the space during your study periods and at breaks to complete assignments and seek out research assistance. 

The Seminar Rooms can be used when they are not in use by classes or Distance Education students. Please see Miss McDonogh to clarify when you can use the rooms. The timetables on the doors also indicate when the rooms will be in use.

Miss McDonogh can help you with:

Research for assigments and major projects

Proof Reading


Structuring of work

You can email me directly on or see me in the Library.

Writing in-text references

Referencing someone else's information or ideas within your paragraphs is highly important in the Senior School years. 

The practice of in-text referencing shows that you can ethically source where your information has come from. The completion of All My Own Work in Year 10 should have stressed to you the importance of referencing your sources of information. If you do not reference your sources, you are more than likely in breach of copyright laws. 

There are various websites that will instruct you on how to in-text reference. The current refefrence style adopted by most tertiary institutions is the APA 7 style. What does this mean for you?

The APA 7 Style means that you include the author's surname and the date of the publication of the work in brackets next to where you have used that information. 

Example: (in this case, there are two authors, a married couple.... a bit confusing, sorry).

The finches were generally most busy during early spring (Grant & Grant, 2008).

If you want to discuss or reference the creator directly, it would look like this:

As Grant & Grant (2008) have argued, the finches were generally most busy during early spring. 

Also, if you quote directly (word-for-word) from a source, you need to include the page number. For example,

As Grant & Grant have argued, the "finches were most busy during early spring" (Grant & Grant, 2008, p. 12)

When you cannot find a particular author or creator, you can name an organisation, such as National Geographic, as the creator. If you cannot find a creator (individual or group), you probably should not reference the source. 

When you cannot find a date for creation, you type "ND", to represent No Date. 


The finches were generally most busy during early spring (Grant & Grant, ND).

Reference List / Bibliography

To write a bibliographical reference, you need a few key details from the resources that you use:

Secondary Sources:

For a website, you should include the following:

Sometimes the Title of the work and the Site Name can be the same. In that case, you only need to include the Site Name.

It can sometimes be difficult to find this information on every website, so if you need help, feel free to send the website link to me ( and I can help find the relevant details. 

For a book, you should include the following:  

Again, if you need any help finding these details in a book, please see me or email me for help. 

For a video or DVD, you should include the following:

For a TV show, you should include the following: 

For a journal article, you should include the following: 

For Primary Sources, such as your own research findings through Interview or Questionnaire, please see your subject course-specific documents or come and see Miss McDonogh in the library for help. 

For other resources not listed here, please come and see me in the Library for help. 

Alternatively, you can access various university websites that help with referencing style. 

Charles Sturt University, for example, sets out how you use APA 7 referencing style via this link: 

Other Useful Websites:

The NESA Website provides information on Question Key Terms, important examination dates and rules and processes. 

The State Library of NSW provides you with access to academic research databases. You can become a member via their website. See the link below.

Library Research Assistance Enquiry? Email Miss Mac: