Scrabble stats

Collect resources

You will need:

  • A book, magazine or newspaper

  • Paper and pens.

Watch the video to learn about Scrabble stats!

From reSolve maths

Videos created with Lizz at Scone PS.


Transcript coming soon.

What to do

  • Take a look at the current Scrabble points system. What do you notice? What do you wonder?

  • Find a recent newspaper, magazine or book. Choose a paragraph or page to analyse.

  • Create a table to record your findings.

  • For each letter in the text you are analysing, record the frequency in your table using tally marks.

  • How many times was each letter used in the text you investigated?

When you’re ready, watch the next video to see what to do next.


Transcript coming soon.


  • What do you notice about the frequency of the letters on your tally sheet?

  • Does anything surprise you?

  • Which letters were you expecting to be used most? Or least?

  • Look at the letters that are most frequent (have the highest number) and least frequent (have the lowest number). Compare your data with the original Scrabble scoring system.

  • Are there any similarities?

  • Are there any differences?

  • Using your Scrabble Stats findings, identify which letters you think should now be given the highest and lowest scores.

  • You can also repeat your investigation with a different text.

    • Does the type of text we select change the letter frequencies?

    • What are some similarities and differences between both data sets?