Array bingo

Partially covered arrays

Collect resources

You will need:

  • a set of game cards (with pictures of different partially covered arrays and their matching product)

  • someone to play with.


Watch the video to learn how to play


Transcript coming soon.

How to play

  • Each player creates a gameboard using 6 array cards. Set aside the remaining array cards.

  • Place the descriptor cards in a pile, face down.

  • Turn over a descriptor card. If a player has the matching array card on their gameboard, they may turn the array card over.

  • If both players have the matching array card, they can both turn over their matching cards.

  • If neither player has the matching array card, turn over the next product card in the pile.

  • The winner is the first player to turn over all their cards and say ‘bingo!’

Other ways to play

  • Swap how the piles of cards are used in the game.

  • Make a gameboard from the descriptor cards and turn over the array cards.

  • Extend the number range by adding in the expansion pack and/or replacing the product cards with 2 x 9-sided dice

Discuss/ reflect

  • What strategies did you use to determine how many dots there are in the partially covered arrays?

  • Were there any arrays which were known facts for you? Which ones?

  • What strategies did you use for the arrays that weren’t known facts for you?