Woolly worms

From ReSolve

Watch the video to see what to do.

From ReSolve

(This video was created with Kelly from Kieraville PS.)


Alright, I'm here with one of my favourite mathematicians today, Hi Sam.

Hi Michelle.

How are you going?


Are you ready to play one of our favourite games, the counting game?


Do you remember how to play?

Yeah, but sometimes you loose track so maybe if we use some of these counters it might be easier.

That's an excellent idea. We could also use a ten frame.


We... our target is going to be 24 today so how many ten frames would we need?

Probably 2 then we could just put some on the side.

Transcript coming soon.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • sticky tape

  • different lengths of string or wool for your woolly worms (you could also use, leaves and sticks from outside, cutlery or books)

  • paper.


  • Collect objects from around your house that are different lengths.

  • You will also need to get some sticky tape.

  • Make sure you check with an adult before collecting your objects.

  • Select 2 pieces objects and use direct comparison to measure them against each other and see which is the shortest/longest piece.

  • Line up all of your resources order them from shortest to longest.

    • Make sure the objects all start in the same starting point.

    • If you are using wool, leaves or string you could use sticky tape to tape down one end. This will help you to measure accurately as the ends will all start in the same place.


  • Can you find some things in you house that are longer or shorter than your chosen objects.

  • Can you predict which objects will be longer or shorter without lining them up, then check to see if you were right.