The following short videos will help you get familiar with how a MacBook operates. They will be particularly useful if you are used to using a windows laptop or a Chromebook.

MacBook-Tour Around the Screen.mp4

If a MacBook is new to you this video will show you the main components of what you see on the screen and how to use them to your advantage.

You will also see how to change some simple settings on the Dock to make it more useful


The Finder application on a Mac is the File Manager. It allows you to organise all your files into folders.

It is also how you can see all the applications that are installed on your MacBook.

MacBook-Traffic Light Window Icons.mp4

The three coloured icons on the top left corner of every window allow you to quickly close, minimise, or make full-screen the window of your choice.


This video will take you through a few simple changes to settings for the Trackpad which will make operating your MacBook more efficient.

MacBook-Function Row of Keys.mp4

MacBooks have a row of function keys that, by default, will allow you to quickly change a system setting.

For example there is a key each for raising and lowering the MacBook volume.