
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

book to write in or a journal

a soft toy

Overview of today's activities:

  • Activity 1: Being polite at school (10 minutes)

  • Activity 2: (20 minutes)

  • Activity 3: Wanda the wanderer looks for flowers (60 minutes)


  • Activity 4: Clock challenge (20 minutes)

  • Activity 5: Fun exercises (15 minutes)

Please note, these times are an approximation only.

Being polite at school

Learning goal: Children learn how to greet and acknowledge teachers at school

Icon indicating transition to school activity

At school there will be a lot of new adults to interact with, including the principal, teachers and office staff. You should always be polite.

1. Watch the video.

AQ Adult learning how to brightspace (9 July 2020) 'Greetings- A Social Story' [video], YouTube, accessed 11 October 2021.

2. As you play today, make sure you are using polite words. (please, thank you)

3. Talk with someone about what you could do if you make a mistake at school.

4. What did you see in the video about walking in the corridor?

5. How will you be polite during recess and lunch at school?

6. How will you be polite when you play with your friends at school?

Too hard?

  • Who are some of the new adults you will talk to at school?

Too easy?

  • What sorts of things would you like to share about yourself with your new teacher or adults at your school?

Washing up

Learning goal: Children recognise the contribution they make to shared activities.

1. Watch the video.

Washing up

Duration: 01:59

2. Choose one of these tasks to do:

  • wash up some of your toys outside in a bucket

  • wash up your tea set inside in the sink

  • help wash up inside after a meal.

Too hard?

  • Next time you have a bath, take some toys in to wash up.

Too easy?

  • Help pack or unpack the dishwasher.

Wanda goes for a bushwalk

Learning goal: Children develop a sense of belonging to their community

1. Watch Wanda the wanderer go for an adventure in her community.

Wanda goes for a bushwalk

Duration: 01:16

2. Choose your own travelling buddy to take on a walk in the bush or to a park.

3. Look for flowers as you walk.

3. Take pictures or do drawings of the flowers you see.

4. Let your teachers know what you and your buddy have been up to when you get back to preschool or daycare.

5. Look at all the different wildflowers Wanda found on her adventure:

A teddy bear in the bush, looking at white flowers.
A teddy bear in the bush, looking at purple flowers.
A teddy bear in the bush, looking at yellow flowers.
A teddy bear in the bush, looking at pink flowers.
A teddy bear in the bush, looking at pink flowers.
A teddy bear in the bush, looking at a purple flower.
A teddy bear in the bush, looking at yellow flowers.
A teddy bear in the bush, looking at yellow and brown flowers.

Too hard?

  • Wanda found lots of flowers on her walk. Tell someone which one is your favourite and what you like about it.

  • Say the colours of each of the flowers.

Too easy?

  • Ask someone to help you write about your adventure in your journal.

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.

Clock challenge

Learning goal: Children develop the concept of time and use language to communicate their thinking.

Watch the video.

Copy the video or the instructions below to make your own clock.

ABC (2021) 'Go wild for maths: Clock challenge' [video], ABC iView, accessed 21 September 2021

How to make a clock:

1. Find 12 rocks or small pieces of paper.

2. Write the numbers 1 -12 on the rocks or paper.

3. Arrange them in a circle in order starting with 1.

4. Use two sticks or draw the two clock hands. One should be longer than the other.

5. Place the clock hands in the middle of the clock, like in the pictures.

Too hard?

  • Look at a clock. Point to and say each number in order.

Too easy?

Ask someone to help you make the clock say:

  • the time you go to bed

  • 3 o'clock

  • 8 o'clock

  • the time now.

Fun exercises

Learning goal: Children engage in complex movement patterns.

1. Watch the video and do the actions.

Little Sports (4 February 2020) '10 Fun daily exercises for kids to do at home', [video], You Tube, accessed on 14 October 2021.

2. What do you notice about your body after doing the exercises:

  • Did you get puffed?

  • Is your heart beating harder?

  • Do you feel thirsty?

3. Which of the movements did you find easy to do?

4. Which of the movements did you find tricky?

Too hard?

  • Do just one part of each exercise, for example, just the arms or just the legs.

  • Do the activities for a shorter time.

  • Have someone put on your favourite music and move your body.

Too easy?

  • Challenge yourself to practice the exercises you find most tricky.

  • Make up an exercise routine and then teach it to someone else.

Extra learning activities

  • Join Mati and Dada on a marvellous journey in Venice with the artist, Canaletto.

Child voice