
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

a soft toy

blank book or journal

hand cream

pinch of salt

string or wool


a metal coat hanger

Overview of today's activities:

  • Activity 1: How do you feel today? (15 minutes)

  • Activity 2: Wanda the wanderer (45 minutes)

  • Activity 3: Healthy at school (10 minutes)


  • Activity 4: Listening walk (30 minutes)

  • Activity 5: Why can't you hear in space? (15 minutes)

Please note, these times are an approximation only.

How do you feel today?

Learning goal: Children explore feelings of joy and happiness.

1. Watch this video, How Do You Feel Today: Joy.

2. The children were smiling and laughing. What do you think made them happy and joyful?

3. What makes you feel happy and joyful?

3. Draw yourself doing something that gives you joy.

4. Watch this very silly video and do the actions. How did it make you feel?

Young boy with big smile waving

Image owned by the NSW Department of Education under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)​

Young girl with big smile and her hands on her head

Image owned by the NSW Department of Education under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)​

Too hard?

  • Play a game that makes you happy.

Too easy?

  • Find out what gives each person in your family joy.

Wanda the wanderer

Learning goal: Children explore places in their community.

1. This is Wanda the wanderer. She's going to go on some adventures in her community.

Wanda just loves getting out and about!

A seated teddy bear.

2. Watch Wanda writing in her travelling journal.

3. Choose a travelling buddy to go with you to fun places in your community.

4. Take pictures or draw you and your buddy on adventures. Ask someone to write down what you say in your journal.

5. Let your teachers know what you and your buddy have been up to when you get back to preschool or day care.

6. Come back each week and you will see what Wanda has been getting up to. Next week she is going on a bushwalk!

A teddy bear looking at the front cover of a journal. The journal is titled 'Wanda's Wanderings' and has a photo of the teddy on it. Glue and crayons are shown next to the journal.
A page of journal with large text written in pencil. Text in journal says 'Today is Wednesday 29.9.2021'. Hi. My name is Wanda and I like to wander. I live with Ruth, Graeme and Danni the dog. Here is a picture of me meeting Danni. I think she likes me.
Journal page with text written in pencil. It says 'I'm going on lots of adventures in my community and I can't wait to see nice places and meet interesting people.

Too hard?

  • Take your favourite soft toy to somewhere in your local community

  • Take photos of your soft toy doing different things.

Too easy?

  • Draw some other places in your learning journal that you would like to take your travelling buddy

  • Can you join your places together with a walking trail? You can create a map of your walking trail.

Healthy at school

Learning goal: Children transfer good hygiene practices from one environment to another.

Keeping yourself healthy at school is important. When you go to school, you will need to remember to wash your hands, without being reminded.

Do you know a hand washing song or routine from preschool or daycare?

Watch the video 'The Wiggles handwashing song'.

The Wiggles (23 March 2021) 'The Wiggles: 2021 handwashing song' [video], YouTube, accessed 6 October 2021.

Find out how long it really takes to make your hands clean:

1. Rub a small bit of hand cream into your hands.

2. Add a pinch of salt and gently rub this between your hands.

3. The salt has spread on your hands, just like germs do. How hard do you think it is to wash germs away?

4. Now count as you wash all of the salt off your hands. Make sure you wash your hands really well.

5. How long did it take to get all the salt off? This is how long it takes to wash your hands free from germs.

Too hard?

  • Ask someone to help you wash your hands.

Too easy?

  • Draw each of the hand washing steps shown in the video.

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.

Listening walk

Learning goal: Children demonstrate mindful behaviours by focusing on sounds.

1. Choose somewhere to go for a walk. You might choose somewhere nearby, the bush, park or beach.

2. What sounds do you think you will hear on your walk?

3. When you start your walk, listen very carefully. You will need to stay really quiet to hear the sounds.

4. Stop often, and in different places. Close your eyes. What can you hear both near and far away?

5. Talk to your walking buddy about what you hear and what is making each sound. Are the sounds made by people or machines or are they natural noises, such as the wind or birds?

These are some of the sounds you might hear on your walk:

A bird singing

a small brown bird in a tree singing

"Bird" by Dave Williss is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Wind in the trees

lots of bright green leaves and tree branches

"Trees" by @Doug88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Cars and trucks

a busy road showing a small truck and lots of cars lined up

This information about going on a listening walk is for families.

Too hard?

  • Copy the sounds you hear.

Too easy?

  • Draw a sound map after the walk, showing where you walked and what sounds you heard along the way.

Why can't you hear in space?

Learning goal: Children experiment with sound to build fundamental understandings.

For this activity you are going to make a musical instrument.

Watch this video or read the instructions below.

Little Scientitsts Australia (31 March 2020) 'Acoustics' [video], YouTube, accessed 7 October 2021.

What you need:

  • a wire coat hanger

  • string

  • scissors.

What to do:

1. Cut two lengths of string.

2. Tie one piece of string to each side of the coat hanger.

2. Form a loop at the other end of each piece of string.

3. Slip each loop over the ends of your fingers and ask someone else to hit the coat hanger with a pen or stick.

4. Listen carefully, the coat hanger will make a very quiet sound.

5. Now, still with the loops over your fingers, put your fingers in your ears and hit the coat hanger again. What do you hear now? You may have to lean forward slightly to stop the coat hanger touching your tummy.

Child holding the coat hanger they made

Photo courtesy of Hayley Bates, Little Scientists

Child with his fingers in his ears holding the coat hanger he made.

Photo courtesy of Hayley Bates, Little Scientists

Activity shared by Little Scientists Australia.

Information for families about sound in space:

  • For sound to travel from one place to another, it needs something to move through.

  • Sound waves travel through vibrations, which means that the atoms or molecules need to touch each other to move the vibrations on.

  • On Earth, air allows sound waves to move from one point to another.

  • However, space is mostly a vacuum. Although there are some atoms floating around, they are VERY far apart, which means that there is no sound on the Moon.

Extra learning activities

Child voice