
To complete today's activities, you will need:

something to draw on

something to draw with

six pairs of socks

a tissue

dress up clothes

Overview of today's activities:

  • Activity 1: Co-operating with friends (5 minutes)

  • Activity 2: Keeping chickens safe (15-20 minutes)

  • Activity 3: Throwing (20 minutes)


  • Activity 4: School logo (20 minutes)

  • Activity 5: Drama (15-20 minutes)

Please note, these times are an approximation only.

Co-operating with friends

Learning goal: Children understand how to co-operate and work with others.

  1. Watch the video 'Keeko: Cooperating'

  2. Keeko, bird and dog all worked together to reach the leaf. Talk to someone about these questions:

  • Have you ever worked with a friend to do something like building a tower?

  • What makes you feel good about working together with others?

  • Who could you work with when you need help to do something?

ABC Kids (October 2020) 'Co-operating' [video] Keeko Series 1, YouTube, accessed 29 September 2021

Too hard?

  • Use visuals to ask for help.

  • Use signing to ask for help.

  • Practice asking someone: 'Can you help me please?'

Too easy?

  • Work with a family member on a project, like digging a hole or building something.

Keeping chickens safe

Learning goal: Children explore how to keep chickens safe.

  1. Listen to the story 'Chicken Licken'

Chicken Licken had lots of friends, but she was so scared of the sky falling on her head that she got tricked by the fox.

  1. After the story, think about:

  • What happened to Chicken Licken and her friends?

  • What else do you think chickens might be scared of?

What do you think chickens need to keep them safe?

Foxes and Quolls like to eat chickens. What could we do to make sure they can't eat them? Some ideas are:

    • strong fences

    • latches on doors of hen house

    • secure flooring so foxes can't dig under

    • putting chickens away at night because that's when foxes and quolls go hunting.

Too hard?

  • Discuss with someone how we keep animals safe.

  • Discuss with someone ways you stay safe.

Too easy?

  • Draw a chicken coop that is designed to keep chickens safe. What needs to be included?

  • Choose another animal and think about the safety needs of that animal.


Learning goal: Children develop the fundamental movement skills of throwing.

  1. Watch the video.

  2. Join in the throwing activities on the video.

  3. Stand a few steps apart from someone and throw a ball, bean bag or pair of socks to each other. Step forward before you throw.

Too hard?

  • Do a shorter section of the video.

  • Use a larger object for throwing.

  • Get someone to join you and throw a short distance to each other.

Too easy?

  • Make up some other throwing challenges.

Take a break

Here are some things you might like to do:

  • have a drink of water and a healthy snack

  • play or have a rest

  • go to the toilet and wash your hands.

School logo

Learning goal: Children explore symbols on school logos.

Symbols and school logos

Duration: 2:18

  1. Watch the video about symbols and school logos.

  2. Ask someone to help you find the logo of the school that you are going to. It might be on the:

    • school sign

    • school website

    • school uniform.

  3. Look at the logo and describe the colours, shapes and sizes.

  4. Do some more research and find out other things about your new school.

Too hard?

  • Ask someone to take a photo of you holding the school logo.

  • Talk about the colours of the school logo.

  • Has your school logo got a picture?

Too easy?

  • Can you draw your new school logo and use the correct colours?

  • Are there words on your logo? What do they mean? Discuss this with someone.


Learning goal: Children use drama to express ideas and make meaning.

Lets act out the story of 'Where the wild things are', by Maurice Sendak.

1. Decide which character you would like to be - Max or a wild thing. You can watch the story again if you like.

2. Find a costume to wear. You could use a big T-shirt to be a wild thing or use pjyamas like Max wears.

3. Act out the story remembering to show what happens at the start, middle and end.

4.Show your performance to your family or friends.

Too hard?

  • Dress up as a character from your favourite book.

  • Make appropriate facial expressions.

  • Move like the character.

Too easy?

  • Invite other members of your family or friends to be part of the performance.

Extra learning activities

An image of an everyday learner activity card with the title music and movement and an image of pots and pans

Child voice