Wednesday, 20th May


Click on the button above to login to PM eCollection and read one of the books on your bookshelf.

Reading Response Summarising Wk
Beginning middle and end flipchart.pdf

Reading Response


We are learning to summarise the main events in a story.

  1. Read a (fiction) book on Pm eCollection

  2. Use the worksheet, or draw your own template in your book to summarise the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Box 1: Write/draw what happens at the start of the story. Include the characters and setting in your drawing.

Box 2: Write/draw the problem in the story.

Box 3: Write/draw the resolution - how did the characters solve the problem?

Remember to use your own words and include the main ideas only.

Note: If you can't print the worksheet, simply draw the table into your book to complete the activity.


Informative Text Reading Lesson

Summarising - Finding the main idea

We are learning to summarise the main idea in informative texts.

Complete the following:

  1. Read the text, Polar Bears or listen to the recording by Mrs Piljevic.

  2. Write 3 sentences only, summarising the main ideas in the text.

This task builds on previous learning. If it helps, you might like to find the key words first and sort them into categories as we have done previously.


Login to Mathletics and complete the set tasks.

Science week 4 Bush Tracks.mp4
Science Week 4 Stage 1.pdf


Living on the Land - Part 2

Listen to Ms Perini read 'Bush Tracks' then work through the tasks in the document to complete the science lesson.


It is expected that students complete all tasks throughout the day as the learning builds across the term. There will be a select number of tasks each week that teachers will be providing feedback on. This feedback might be individual or whole-class, depending on the nature of the task.

Today, please submit the following tasks to Seesaw Class (in one post):

  • Reading Response Task

  • Science