1/2K & 1/2B

Term 2

Welcome to our Remote Learning website.

Teachers would like to welcome our students and families back to school, even though our learning may take place at home this term.

The weekly overview document found in the Week drop down menu is a suggested timetable but can be completed over the day at times that suit your family. Your family's wellbeing is our priority.

The Department of Education's Guidelines for Daily Remote Learning K-2 are as follows: Total of 2.5hrs + other

● 45-60mins English - reading, writing, listening and speaking activities

● 30-45mins Mathematics - Numeracy activities, number games

● 30-60mins of other KLA’s - Creative arts, HSIE (Geography), Personal Development/Health/Physical Education, Science/Technology

● Other activities: wellbeing, sport, physical activity Students are encouraged to be active throughout the day, participating in a variety of suggested physical activities.

This site is the main source of teaching and learning for 1/2K and 1/2B. Please note, the content may not fully display on all internet browsers. You need to use Google Chrome to ensure all the videos and photos are fully visible.

Click on the weekly tabs in the top right corner to access the daily tasks.

Each morning, please sign in by writing your first and last name in the Daily Attendance form. This will be our morning roll call. Please sign in once per day only, as the form will be downloaded at the end of each day and then reset for the next day.

Seesaw will continue to be used as a form of communication for K-2. It is expected that students complete all tasks throughout the day as the learning builds across the term. There will be a select number of tasks each week that teachers will be providing feedback on. This feedback might be individual or whole-class, depending on the nature of the task. Teachers will let students know what work needs to be uploaded each day. Please keep in mind that work uploaded does not need to be perfect. Teachers are keen to see what students are able to complete and give feedback based on their needs.

Teachers will be directly communicating with students each day between 9-10am and 2-3pm.

Contact your teacher if you require assistance with the site or learning activities.

1/2K - Katie.Fist1@det.nsw.edu.au

1/2B - branka.piljevic3@det.nsw.edu.au