Chinese Beginners

Holidays, travel and tourism


Activity 1 – message 留话

You are in China. You had planned to go to the zoo tomorrow with Lilian, your Australian friend, and two Chinese friends, Daming and Xiaole. You have received two voice messages on your phone.

Message from Xiaole

Message from Xiaole.mp3

Message from Daming

Message from Daming.mp3

Question 1

Complete the summary of the messages from Xiaole and Daming.

    • 动物园
    • 一点半
    • 明天
    • 五十块
    • 喜欢
    • 头疼
    • 发烧
    • 生病
    • 下雨

小乐 ... 了,她 ... , ... 。明天他不可以去 ... 了。

大明说,明天会 ... 。他们打算 ... 音乐会。他们都 ... 听音乐。音乐会 ... 开始,每张票 ... 。 ... 下午一点他们在音乐厅见。

Question 2

  1. Why doesn’t Xiaole want to go to the zoo?
  2. Why doesn’t Daming want to go to the zoo?

Activity 2 – advertisement 广告

Listen to an advertisement on Chinese community radio.


Question 1

Listen to the audio questions and complete the multiple choice quiz.

Advertisement quiz 1.mp3


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
Advertisement quiz 2.mp3


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
Advertisement quiz 3.mp3


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
Advertisement quiz 4.mp3


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

Question 2

  1. What is being advertised?
  2. Who is the target audience?
  3. What is the benefit of responding to this advertisement now?

Concluding questions

  1. You think this trip will be very beneficial for your Chinese class. Tell your class, in English or in Chinese, about this advertisement and explain the benefits of this trip. Support your answer with reference to the text.
  2. Write an email in Chinese to book the tickets for your Chinese class of 18 students.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 3 – report 报告

A student is reporting about the trip to China at the school assembly. Listen.


Question 1

True or false?

  1. There are many Chinese gardens in Guangzhou.
  2. We went by plane from Guangzhou to Nanjing.
  3. There are many famous historical places in Nanjing.
  4. In Nanjing, we stayed at a hotel.
  5. From Nanjing, we went by train to Suzhou.
  6. Suzhou is not big, but the scenery is beautiful.
  7. There are lots of people and cars in Shanghai.

Question 2

Complete the summary of the trip using the words from the list.

    • 中国花园
    • 中国
    • 姐妹学校
    • 火车
    • 飞机
    • 广州
    • 汽车
    • 四十分钟
    • 饭店
    • 纪念品
    • 便宜
    • 不冷
    • 说得很好

在假期, 中文班的学生去了 ... 。他们喜欢 ... ,因为广州有很多 ... ,天气也 ... 。从广州他们坐 ... 去南京。在南京,他们去了 ... 。从南京他们坐 ... 到苏州。苏州有很多 ... 。从苏州他们坐 ... 到上海,只要 ... 。上海的东西很 ... ,他们买了很多... 。现在中文班学生的汉语 ... 。

Concluding questions

  1. Imagine you went on the trip to China. Write an email in English to your friend in Australia, describing your day in Shanghai and giving your opinion of Shanghai.
  2. Imagine you went on the trip to China. Write a postcard in Chinese to your Chinese teacher, describing your day in Guangzhou.
  3. Your teacher has asked you to organise a class trip to China next year. Create an itinerary in Chinese based on the text you heard in step 1.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:


What did the students do at the zoo yesterday?

Item 2

Listen to the audio:


What is the girl going to do for two weeks?

Item 3

Listen to the audio:


How will the girl get to the cinema?

Item 4

Listen to the audio:


What is this broadcast about?


Activity 1

Read the following text, then answer the questions.


自从到了中国以后,就忙着去不同的地方旅游,没有时间给您 发电子邮件,希望您不要生气。

星期六早上,我和约翰走路去天安门广场。我们经过很多小胡 同,看到不少四合院。我们还经过一个公园,里面有很多老年人在 打太极,也有不少人在下棋。过了不久,我们都饿了!还好,附近 有一间饭馆。我要了一碗牛肉拉面,约翰要了一盘狗不理包子,我 们都吃得很高兴!

天安门真大!听说,这是世界上最大的广场,也是中国有名的 旅游点。我们到处走走,看见很多游客在拍照。他们说,他们很早 就来看升国旗了!下午,我们还去了故宫。故宫是明、清两代的皇 宫,已经有五、六百年的历史。

时间不早了,过几天再给您发电子邮件,告诉您我去过的地 方。



Question 1

Describe the area around Tian’anmen Square.

Question 2

Why do tourists visit Tian’anmen Square?

Activity 2

Read the following text, then answer the questions in English.


上两个星期,我们去了中国旅游。我们去了北京、西安和上 海。这次去中国,我们认识了很多中国的历史和文化。

北京是中国的首都,也是中国的政治和文化中心。在北京,我 们去了故宫、人民大会堂、天安门广场等。我们还去了长城。中国 有一句话说:“不到长城非好汉”,我们每一个人都做了好汉。长 城有几千年的历史,是中国最受欢迎的旅游点。我们站在城墙上, 心里感到非常骄傲!

在西安,我们去了看兵马俑。那些泥土人,好像真人一样,有 不同的表情、不同的高矮。中国的文化,真了不起!

上海是中国人口最多的城市,东西又多又便宜,是买东西的好 地方。女老师们都买了很多漂亮的衣服!

在中国,除了参观旅游点,我们还看了名人字画、吃了很多好 吃的食物。中国真是一个旅游的好地方!谢谢!

Question 1

Which of the following is not true about this trip?

a) They went to Beijing, Shanghai and Xian.

b) They were amazed at the magnificent civilization of China.

c) Standing on the wall of the Great Wall of China generates fear.

d) Beijing is the cultural and political centre of China.

Question 2

How have they benefited from this trip to China?

Activity 3

Read the following text, then answer the questions in English.


很高兴收到你的来信!七月你就放暑假了,你还不知道要做什 么。大山,你想来悉尼吗?如果你来的话,欢迎你住在我家。

七月我也有两个星期的学校假期,可以带你看看悉尼美丽的地方。你说你喜欢绿水蓝天,那么,你一定会喜欢悉尼的海湾,那里 有世界有名的悉尼歌剧院、悉尼大桥和动物园。在悉尼大桥上散 步,你可以看到蓝天白云和美丽的海景,还看到附近的悉尼歌剧 院。它看起来好像几片白色的风帆,美极了!除了迷人的风景,你 还可以呼吸澳洲的新鲜空气,在动物园里看袋鼠、抱树熊,和可爱 的澳洲动物拍照。

大山,还有两个月才是暑假。如果你来的话,请早一点告诉 我。




How does David encourage Dashan to come to Sydney?

Activity 4

Read the following passage then answer the question that follows in English.

今年暑假,我们一家四口去了中国旅游。我们去了北京、上海和西 安。

在澳大利亚,我们看了很多书,认识了不少中国的事情。但是,到了 中国,我们还是有一点不习惯。中国的人真多,什么地方都是人山人海!

虽然北京是中国的首都,上海是商业大城市,西安是古老的城市,但 是,它们相同的是 —— 到处都是新和旧,中国式和西式的东西和房子。我 觉得新的东西,在全世界很多地方都能看到。好像大商场,它们的样子差不 多;里面卖的东西,很多在美国可以买到,在法国可以买到,在中国也可以 买到。

我喜欢旧的东西,这些东西在中国才有。比如万里长城、兵马俑、故 宫,这些文物已经有几千年的历史。它们代表了中国的民族、历史、文化和 中国人的智慧。

Question 1

Describe the identity of each city that the writer visits?

Question 2

What are the common things that the writer finds in these three cities?

Question 3

What does the writer like in China? Justify your response.