Newsletter 5 2019

Principal's Report

As the term draws to a close I thought it important to highlight the learning programs, activities and achievements of our students throughout the term and update parents with school information.

Incoming P&C Office Bearers

Congratulations to:

President – Doug Thompson

Vice President – Patrick Flanagan

Vice President - Mel Hart

Secretary - Alison Lofton-Brook

Treasurer - Jess Henschke

Fundraising committee - Kate Hallahan & Abbie Watson-Taylor

This year's P&C office bearers are taking over from a wonderful group from 2018 and we look forward to working closely with them throughout 2019.

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend the Annual General Meeting last Monday night. P&C meetings are held at 6:30 pm on the fourth Monday of the month. We value all parents' support in fundraising for the school and look forward to P&C meetings to present information to parents and update them on activities within the school. At the last P&C meeting some of the following items were discussed:

Take-Home Readers

Children in Kindergarten to Year 3 have the opportunity to bring home take-home readers from their classroom each day. The responsibility rests with the child to return their take-home reader, collect their new one each day and bring it home to read. These readers are not our best readers they are well used books that provide children with an opportunity for home reading. The books are at a level that the children should find easy and enjoyable to read. Take-home reading is an optional activity for families who would like their child/ren to participate. Children in year 3 to 6 are generally reading novels. Novels can be borrowed from the school library. We also encourage families to visit the town library to borrow readers and novels that are of interest to the child's specific hobbies, passions and pursuits. Children reading at a level 30 or above in Kindergarten to Year 3 will not bring home readers as they will be encouraged to continue with novels at their level from the library.

School Assemblies

Staff will shortly review the ways in which they showcase children's learning, particularly in the creative and performing arts, to parents. Some classes or stages will come together to run an assembly each term. For interested parents, these assemblies are run during school time and notice will be given for working families.

Each year the school has a major showcase. In previous years we have had whole school plays, school concerts, Christmas pageants, carols by candle light and the like. This year we will be running an art show in Term 3 showcasing children's visual and creative arts with an auction at the end to raise funds for the school. Canvases have been ordered and students from Southern Cross University will be working with the children and staff to develop our magnificent art works.


Excursions are a wonderful opportunity for teachers and their students to experience activities within the school (incursions) and in the broader community, that support the learning of students in relation to the key learning areas of the syllabus. Staff are very accountable in relation to mapping and tracking student learning outcomes from the excursions students participate within. Year 6 this week have attended Lake Ainsworth Sport and Recreation Centre and enjoyed three days of leadership, team building and outdoor learning activities. My thanks to Mrs Eichorn, Mr Hutchins, and Miss Coleman for taking the children to camp.

School Awards and Recognition

Alstonville Public school currently uses a wellbeing and reward system called Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L). The school rules supporting this program are Be Safe, Be Fair and Be a Learner. Children's behavioural expectations and our reward systems are based around these three core fundamental principles which allow children to be happy, safe and effective learners at school. Awards are given out to children by all classroom teachers throughout the day, every day, to reinforce and reward specific learning outcomes or skills, kindness, manners and socially appropriate behaviours demonstrated in the classroom and playground. Each teacher has an array of certificates, stickers, coupons and token reinforcements that they use and each class varies from the class next door.

The consistent system for PB4L is being reviewed this week and all students will be surveyed to ascertain what students’ value as rewards within schools. We anticipate there will be a large difference between the value placed on particular awards in a Kindergarten classroom and that of a Year 6. The PB4L leaders in the school are Student Parliament, Mr Hutchins, Miss Birney and Miss Heinritz. Staff will meet on Monday morning to review our current rewards system. All students will have the opportunity to input their ideas on Monday and parents are welcome to provide feedback through the form below. PB4L and school rewards will be modified at the end of the review process.

Currently children receive 5 PB4L awards in their classroom each week from their class teacher. PB4L tokens are given out by all staff throughout the week and a barrel draw is undertaken each Monday morning at assembly where canteen coupons are given out. PB4L badges are presented at the end of each term in a special ceremony. This term’s ceremony is on Monday 8 April in the school hall. The remembrance Anzac Day assembly will start the day at 9:30am in the hall followed by the PB4L badge ceremony.

Once a month the Quota Club from Alstonville present awards at the Monday morning assembly for ‘Acts of Kindness’, including a certificate and book voucher, to reinforce and reward those children who go above and beyond in their kindness toward others.

Shortly I will write to parents to let them know of the changes in our PB4L system. Our PB4L leaders, Miss Birney and Miss Heinritz have met with the District Office PB4L consultant today to work through updating our system and signage.

Healthy School Canteen

Having returned from my sabbatical year in 2018 it now timely to review our canteen and the food that we have on sale as the New South Wales Healthy Schools Canteen policy has recently changed. Schools will need to comply with new items by December this year. Yesterday I met with the representative from Northern New South Wales Local Health District (NNSWLHD) at school and discussed the policy, items that we hold in stock, new items that have become available and the nutritional value and content of each of the items. All items held on the site at the moment comply with the current healthy schools canteen policy. In the coming weeks the menu will change to ensure that we comply with the new policy as well.

Although the blue raspberry moosies are approved on the current and new policy as they are based on apple juice, I have removed the blue raspberry moosies. This will come into effect in Term 2, to cater to families with pre-orders already in the Flexischools system. We will continue to update our canteen menu with the aim to comply with the new policy in Term 2 this year, ahead of the compulsory date of December 2019. At an appropriate time I will seek permission from the P&C to have the local Health Promotion Officer from NNSWLHD present at a P&C meeting. I will bring the information to the next meeting to discuss with parents.

P&C Mother's Day stall.

The Mother's Day stall will be held on Thursday 9 May and Friday 10 May at school. Items are five dollars each. My sincere thanks to those parents who have made time available to prepare for the P&C Mother's Day stall and assist on the day.


As previously mentioned in earlier newsletters the school is undergoing extensive maintenance and refurbishment. The toilets have now reached the tiling stage and walls and ceilings will be painted soon. I'm hoping that the toilets will be able to be used early in Term 2. Shortly B block Years 5 and 6 classrooms will be painted, re-carpeted, new fixed storage installed and some sound boards installed around the walls. I will be moving 4 classes at a time to other locations around the school whilst work is being completed. The library, spare demountable, old hall and new halls will be the new classrooms whilst refurbishment works are being completed.

I am waiting to hear about the sandpit being relocated into a less steep area and to be made more accessible for all members of our school community. I'm waiting on the results of this submission and if successful the sandpit will be relocated across underneath the existing shade sails. Outdoor furniture will be placed in the current sand pit area.

Many thanks to P&C who have provided $2700 to purchase additional outdoor furniture for the children. The school will match this amount and order a number of covered tables and chairs.

Student Led Conferences

4/5 Argentina have completed their conferences this week and 2 Wales will be hold their conferences in Week 2, Term 2. All other classes will lead learning conferences with parents in weeks 10 and 11 of this term. This opportunity will be offered again in Term 3 and compliments the student report cards that will go home at the end of Term 2 and Term 4.

Other Updates

Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI)

Shortly families will receive a survey invitation or phone call from the school asking questions to update your details for the Family Education and Occupation Index. This is the information you have provided on the enrolment form when you initially enrolled at Alstonville Public School. Parents may not be aware that the Department funds schools based on the FOEI from enrolment form responses of parents. It specifically places value on parent/carer education level responses as well as the parent’s current employment status. Please note that parents are asked for their current status in the occupation section. For example, if you are a professionally qualified astronaut, but have been a hard working stay-at-home parent for the last 6 months, then stay-at-home parent is your current occupation, even though you are trained as an astronaut. This information is important to keep accurate as it is directly tied to school funding.

Evacuation and Lockdown Procedures

Each term the WHS site representative will organise and conduct an evacuation and/or lockdown practice with our students so they know the procedures in the event of fire or unsafe situations on the school site. Our WHS officer is Mrs Wheatland. Earlier in the term we practiced an evacuation and we will complete a lockdown practice before the end of the term.

School Fig Trees

The fig trees on the border fence line between St Joseph's Catholic School and Alstonville Public School require a trim. These trees have been fenced off prior to an arborist inspecting them. Tree cutters will then enter the site and trim all of the overhanging branches on both sides of the fence.

Children Who Attend School Early in the Morning

Just a note for parents who are unaware. There are no teachers on duty until 8:45am each morning to provide supervision. I would like to request that parents please ensure that your children come to school no early than 8:45am please so that teachers can supervise and ensure the safety of the student. Thank you.

Working Bee for Book Covering in the Library

Mrs Beck will hold a book covering day with lunch provided in the library in Term 2. Please watch out for an invitation coming home with your child soon.

TAFE Students

We are welcoming 3 students from Wollongbar TAFE who are working in the school as School Learning Support Officers as part of their Certificate 3 and 4 in Education Support.

Southern Cross University Students

Every year we host Southern Cross University education students on their practicum placements. The students work alongside our teachers gaining knowledge, skills and practices that will prepare them for a career in schools. This year we will continue with our prac students in Term 2. We will also have a number of specialist students coming from other degrees to assist us in classrooms working as School Learning Support Officers, Multi-Lit tutors and working with Mrs Moore and her design team. This team comprises 30 students who have self-selected to work in their lunch breaks to design the refurbishment of the library space and a design ideas and STEM Centre at school.

If you have a skill or talent that you are happy to share with us please let myself or Doug Thompson, the P&C President, know as we would love to work with you at school.

Southern Cross University Google Business Enterprise Centre

This term I began working with a group of “self-selected” student designers to develop plans to relocate the library into the old hall and use the existing library space as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths resource area for the school. I will send a note home in Term 2 to take these 30 children to the University of Southern Cross and use the Google Business Enterprise Centre for our design day. We will be working with some staff, myself and Southern Cross University design students to develop the blueprints for our space within the school.

Children will also be responsible for running the budget spreadsheet, ordering furniture, ordering new technological devices; robots, green screen film-making rooms, coding software etc. They will be working out storage solutions, cabling and power solutions, investigating appropriate colour schemes, fabric swatches, acoustic sound boards and looking at space options to have multiple classes operating within the areas simultaneously whilst allowing all learners to learn. This is a very exciting opportunity and we are glad to be working in partnership with the Live Ideas Team on our school project.

Kate Moore


Sports News

Rugby 7's

Following on from the successful gala day in Lismore earlier in the month, both our Stage 2 and Stage 3 teams qualified for the finals day that was played this week at Lyle Park, Wollongbar.

Despite the wet conditions, both teams played exceptionally well, with Stage 2 winning 2 of their 4 games and having a great time. This team has 5 boys who had never played rugby before this season. The Stage 3 team showed great sportmanship and respect for opponents all day. This was reflected in the feedback from the carnival organiser. Well Done boys. Stage 3 are waiting to hear if they have received a wildcard entry to the state finals to be held in Sydney next term.

Thanks to Ms Apps, Dave and Tony for helping out at both gala days.

PSSA Tennis

On Monday our PSSA tennis team hosted Terranora PS in the 2nd round of the state knockout. Unfortunately Terranora were too strong for our team and have advanced to the next round. Well done to Max, Lewis, Anna and Sophie Ann on their sportsmanship. Thanks to Miss Coleman for her organisation.

Zone and North Coast Trials

Over the last 2 weeks we have had students attend Northern Rivers Zone trials in tennis and soccer. With a number of students being selected to represent Northern Rivers teams to attend North Coast trials.

Congratulations to the following students:

  • Max -Northern Rivers Zone tennis team, Northern Rivers Zone soccer team
  • Anna - Northern Rivers Zone tennis team
  • Ava - Northern Rivers Zone soccer team
  • Kaelan - Northern Rivers Zone soccer team