Cuéntame un cuento
Decora cada cara del dado con:
- una figura
- un objeto
- un animal
- una planta
- un medio de transporte
- una palabra.
Una vez terminados, construye tu dado doblando y pegando las solapas. Para jugar, se lanza al aire y el primer jugador dirá “Érase una vez...”entonces cada participante tendrá que inventarse una frase que tendremos que unir a las otras formando una historia con las imágenes de los dados y dejando volar la imaginación.
Supplies Needed:
Deck of cards (Jokers removed)
4 players
Paper & pencil to track points earned
Gather four players.
Divide players into 2 teams of 2 players each.
Team members sit on opposite sides of the table/across from one another.
Choose someone to deal the cards.
The Dealer, or the player to the Dealer’s left, should shuffle the cards.
Play will start to the dealer’s left and move around the table in a clockwise direction.
3. Deal out the entire deck of cards until all players have a total of 13 cards. Place the final card (the dealer’s last card for his hand) face up in the middle of the table.
4. The player to the Dealer’s left begins play by placing a card, face up, in the middle of the table. Each time around is called a trick.
Moving clockwise around the table, each player places a card of the same suit on the table.
If a player does not have a card from that suit, they can play any card including a card from the trump suit.
5. A player wins the trick by playing the highest card in the suit or by playing the highest card in the trump suit. Aces have the highest rank, followed by kings, queens, jacks and so on down to twos.
After each trick is played the cards are turned face down and kept in a stack of 4 cards near the player who won the trick.