Two weekly planning
Ideas to do at home to support learning in the nursery:
Story of the week: Owl babies
Song of the week: beginning to practice Xmas songs

Ideas to do at home to support learning in the nursery:
Discussing different families, who lives with us and who looks after us where.
Why do we celebrate Remembrance Day, what happens. Meaning of Poppies.
Guy Fawkes- who was he, why having fireworks. How do we stay safe around fireworks. Can we touch them, play with them?
Story of the week: Different families
Song of the week: Shape song

Ideas to do at home to support learning in the nursery:
Story of the week: Room on the broom
Song of the week: I am an old witch with the hat

Ideas to do at home to support learning in the nursery:
We have explored counting and the numbers and now we are looking at counting backwards. Can you count your steps and then walk backwards- while counting backwards? Wonder what else can you count?Oliver's grandad has lots of vegetables in his garden. What fruit and vegetables can you found in the shop or in your house? Can you name them all?
Story of the week: Oliver's Vegetables
Song of the week: Zoom zoom zoom

Ideas to do at home to support learning in the nursery:
It's numeracy week, let's have fun with numbers. Can you spot the numbers in the environment? Can you count how many steps from place to place?
We have now started toothbrushing in the nursery, why is it important to brush our teeth? How often do we brush them?
Harvest- what happens at Harvest? What food do we harvest? What can we make from it?
Story of the week: Big green tractor
Song of the week: Big Red Combine Harvester- continued as still not secure

Ideas to do at home to support learning in the nursery:
Listening to each other for new information, waiting turn to talk.
Can we count to 5 or beyond? Can you recognise the numbers up to 5?
Harvest- what are the tractors doing? What happens at harvest time?
Privacy- why is it important to keep our bodies to ourselves? Can we pull our pants and trousers up before leaving the toilet?
Story of the week: The little Red Hen
Song of the week: Big red Combine Harvester

Ideas to do at home to support learning in the nursery:
Discussion about friendships, how to be good friend. Taking turns while talking to promote listening to others.
Promoting good hand washing at appropriate times (meal times, after playing outdoors etc)
Story of the week: Paper dolls story
Song of the week: Friends, friends 123