As the weather is getting warmer and flowers are beginning to grow children have shown interest in planting. 'Can we plant some flowers?   'I like planting'   'I can help to pull the weeds out'

Children have worked really hard weeding our flower beds, putting new soil in and planting some bulbs.  'Now we have to wait for flowers to grow.' 'I hope it doesn't take ages as I don't like waiting'

We had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day.  We loved seeing all the costumes, potatoes and favourite books. 

World Book Day . Let's celebrate World Book Day together.  All children are invited to decorate a potato as their favourite book character and please bring it to the nursery to show it off. Group B children are welcome to dress up as their favourite book character on Thursday 7th of March and group A children on friday 8th of March.  Children will have opportunities to explore their favourite books throughout the day in little book nooks  indoor and outdoors. We can't wait to see all the potatoes turning into little characters 🥰

Squirrels have been learning about differences between day and night.  We can describe different activities we can do throughout the day and what happens at night. 'we play through daytime and sleep at night time' 'my mum sometimes work at day and sometimes at night' We have looked at colours we see throughout the day and colours at night and we have created beautiful pictures using these colours

We have been learning about Robert Burns. We know he has been born in Ayr and he has wrote lots of songs and poems. We have been learning Scottish songs 'Ya canny show yur granny off the bus' and 'Three craws' 

We learnt the Gay Gordons dance and we have been busy making our own oatcakes, butter and shortbread  for little Burns Day Celebration. 

We are learning about winter season and hibernation. Children have been identifying the signs of winter and how to dress appropriately for the cold. 

'we found some ice in the garden ,it makes my hands cold' We have looked at different ways how can we melt the ice.    ' I know, we can put some salt on it'

Hope you all had a lovely break and we can't wait to see you all back. Welcome to our new starts we can't wait to meet. 


Families were invited to join us for Christmas breakfast in nursery. We hope you enjoyed your breakfast and making a Christmas wreath. Thank you all for coming and for lovely feedback. 'I love having my mummy at nursery'. 'my mummy and daddy and baby came'


Thank you to fire brigade and paramedics for visiting our nursery and telling us all about your job and showing us your vehicles and what you use at work. ' I loved spraying the water like a fire man.' 'I had special stickers on and I can see my heart going up and down'. ' I went inside the fire engine and inside the ambulance'. 'I liked the special bed in ambulance' 


Jacqueline from the library came to tell us all about librarian's job. We now know librarian is in the library to help us to find or choose the books we like or need. Jacqueline has then kindly gifted all the anti preschool children with the book bag and preschool children with lovely book and a certificate.


We have been exploring shapes and finding them in our environment. ' I can see circles, clock is like a circle' ' The door is like a rectangle' Children have enjoyed the walk around the school spotting different shapes. 


We are learning about People Who help us. 'There are different people who can help us. Like fireman help when there is a fire but when you sick you go to doctors' 'or  you go to dentist , he looks at your teeth.' 'I seen fire engine when we went to see fireworks' 


We have been learning about Remembrance Day and why some people wear a poppy. 'It's to remember people' We had a special visitor to tell us about Remembrance Day parade, showed us the uniform. We all practiced the marching and when we older we can all join in the parade.


Children are becoming aware of the importance of celebrations and festivals . They have explored variety of activities , their favourite was carving pumpkin ' eh it's slimy'  'it has big seeds in it' 


Squirrels (A) have been sharing their knowledge on fireworks and how to keep safe whilst making some wonderful firework pictures. "fireworks can burn you if you touch then, you have to stand back", " Fireworks go bang in the air" " my dog gets scared and hides"