S1/2 Science

S1 Science / BGE level 3

In S1 all pupil will follow a curriculum that covers the Science level 3 Experiences and Outcomes. The course will be taught over 6 topic and will build on level 2 outcomes taught in primary. In the delivery of these course we link to World of Work and also cover Health and wellbeing outcome where appropriate.

Topics taught:

During these topic pupils will develop

Pupil will be given small homework tasks that are mainly skills based every 2/3 week. Therefore, roughly two homework each topic. Pupils will be assessed during the topic on tasks such as presentation, practical investigation etc and complete a summative assessment (test) at the end of each topic.

All the S1 Science classes will have google classroom where pupils can access all the information they will need on there including their homework.

S2 Science / BGE level 3

In S2 all pupil will follow a curriculum that covers the Science level 3 Experiences and Outcomes. The course will build on the level 3 outcomes taught in S1 as well as the level 2 outcomes delivered in primary. In the delivery of these course we link to World of Work and also cover Health and wellbeing outcome where appropriate.

Topics taught:

During these topic pupils will develop

Pupil will be given small homework tasks that are mainly skills based every 2/3 week. Therefore, roughly two homework each topic. Pupils will be assessed during the topic on tasks such as presentation, practical investigation etc and complete a summative assessment (test) at the end of each topic.

All the S2 Science classes will have google classroom where pupils can access all the information they will need on there including their homework.