
The following Biology courses are covered in S3 to S6

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S3 Biology

National 3 Biology

National 4 Biology

National 5 Biology


Higher Human

Advanced Higher

S3 Biology

BGE level 3 & 4

In S3 Biology pupils will follow a curriculum that covers level 3 and 4 Experiences and Outcomes. They will also begin to cover content from National Qualifications to help them prepare for N3/4/5 Biology. The course will be taught over 4 topics and features many experiments and practicals.


In the course you will get the chance to use microscopes to look at your own cells, perform experiments with enzymes, extract DNA from strawberries, amongst many others!

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National 3 Biology

National 3 Biology is made up of 3 units. The course has no external exam however does feature 3 Unit tests which pupils must pass. The units are:

Unit 1: Cell Biology

In this unit you will look the structure and function of cells, DNA and photosynthesis. You will get the chance to use microscopes and extract DNA from strawberries!

Unit 2: Multicellular Organisms

In this unit you will look at the structure and function of organs, the immune system and disease. You will also look at fertilisation and embryonic development.

Unit 3: Life on Earth

In this unit you will sample and identify plants and animals, and investigate chemicals used in agriculture. This topic features lots of outdoor learning.

Skills: In N3 Biology you will develop your practical skills whilst performing experiments. You will also develop literacy, numeracy, and social skills.

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National 4 Biology 

National 4 Biology is made up of 3 units. The course has no external exam however does feature 3 Unit tests which pupils must pass. The units are:

Unit 1: Cell Biology

In this unit you will look at cell division, DNA, enzymes, microorganisms and photosynthesis. You will get the chance to extract DNA from strawberries and make your own bread/beer!

Unit 2: Multicellular Organisms

In this unit you will look at reproduction, plants, genetics and the growth and development of organisms. You will get the chance to grow your own plants and perform experiments related to diabetes!

Unit 3: Life on Earth

In this unit you will look at ecosystems, food webs and adaptations. You will get the chance to build pitfall traps to sample invertebrates and use quadrats to sample plants outside!

Skills: In N4 Biology you will develop your practical skills whilst performing experiments. You will also develop literacy, numeracy, and social skills.

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National 5 Biology 

National 5 Biology is made up of 3 Units. The course is assessed through an exam and an assignment(experiment write up). There will also be topic tests throughout to track your progress.

Unit 1: Cell Biology

- In this unit you will look at cell structure and function, transport across membranes, DNA, proteins, genetic engineering

Unit 2: Multicellular Organisms

- In this unit you will look at cell division, control and communication, reproduction, inheritance, transport systems in animals and plants

Unit 3: Life on Earth

- In this unit you will look at ecosystems, distribution of organisms, photosynthesis, energy in ecosystems, food production, evolution

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Higher Biology 

Higher Biology is made up of 3 Units. The course is assessed through an exam and an assignment (experiment write up). There will also be topic tests throughout to track your progress.

Unit 1: DNA and the genome

In this unit you will look at structure of DNA, DNA replication, gene expression, the structure of the genome, mutations, evolution, genomic sequencing

Unit 2: Metabolism and Survival

Metabolic pathways, respiration, metabolic rate, metabolism in conformers and regulators, metabolism in adverse conditions, control of metabolism

Unit 3: Sustainability and interdependence

In this unit you will look at food supply and photosynthesis, animal and plant breeding, crop protection, animal welfare, symbiosis, social Behaviour, biodiversity

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Higher Human Biology 

Higher Human Biology is made up of 3 Units. The course is assessed through an exam and an assignment (experiment write up). There will also be topic tests throughout to track your progress.

Unit 1: Human Cells

In this unit you will look at division and differentiation of cells, structure and replication of DNA, gene expression, mutations, human genomics, metabolic pathways, cellular respiration, energy Systems in muscle cells

Unit 2: Physiology and health

In this unit you will look at gamete production, hormonal control of reproduction, fertility control, antenatal and postnatal screening, arteries, capillaries and veins, the heart, blood glucose levels

Unit 3: Neurobiology and immunology

In this unit you will look at the nervous system, the cerebral cortex, memory, neurotransmitters, defence against pathogens, immunisation, clinical trials of vaccines and drugs

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Advanced Higher Biology 

AH Biology is made up of 3 Units. The course is assessed through an exam and a project (a large scale investigation/experiment). There will also be topic tests throughout to track your progress.

Unit 1: Cells and Proteins

Laboratory techniques


Membrane proteins

Communication and signalling

The cell cycle

Unit 2: Organisms and evolution

Field techniques


Variation and sexual reproduction

Sex and behaviour


Unit 3: Investigative Biology

Scientific principle and process


Reporting and critical evaluation of biological research

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