11th International Conference
Engineering of Chemical Complexity  (ECC11)
July 29 - August 1, 2025, Tokyo

co-hosted by
Active Matter Core-to-Core Project

The aim of this conference is to review and discuss the most recent scientific breakthroughs and findings in complex systems research with a particular emphasis on complex chemical systems and their relation to self-organization in biology and physics. Both theoretical and experimental aspects are considered. The conference will include plenary lectures, symposia with invited and contributed talks, and poster sessions. The conference will cover the entire topical range of this field, including recent trends in active matter physics. It will serve as a forum for interdisciplinary exchange, where expert leaders as well as junior scientists meet and discuss the latest developments in this field.


Takeda Hall

The University of Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan


Opening: 9:00 July 29th

Closing: 18:00 August 1st

Banquet: 18:00 July 31st

Plenary Speakers

Yoshiki Kuramoto (Kyoto University)

Anne De Wit (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Ignacio Pagonabarraga (University of Barcelona)

Confirmed Invited Speakers

Mikihiro Shibata (WPI NanoLSI Kanazawa University)
Soya Shinkai (RIKEN BDR)
Shuntaro Tani (RIKEN)
Matthias Liero (WIAS)
Grant M. Rotskoff (Stanford University)
Masaki Sano (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Toshiyuki Nakagaki (Hokkaido University)

Symposia (organizers)

Active matter and collective dynamics (Ryoichi Yamamoto, Juliane Simmchen)

Cell motility and swimmers (Carsten Beta, Holger Stark)

Control and design of self-organization (Jr-shin Li, Hiroya Nakao)

Oscillation and synchronization (Istvan Kiss, Katharina Krischer, Hiroshi Kori)

Pattern formation and biological self-organization (Martin Falcke, Hiroyuki Kitahata)

Chemical/biological information processing (Tetsuya Kobayashi, Dimitri Loutchko)

Fluctuations and nano-scale dynamics (Kazumasa Takeuchi, Holger Flechsig)



Key dates (tentative)

Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2025
Expected notification of acceptance:  April 20, 2025
Early-bird registration end: April 30, 2025
Program open: May, 2025


Hiroshi Kori (University of Tokyo)
Carsten Beta (University of Potsdam and WPI-NanoLSI Kanazawa)
Istvan Z. Kiss (Saint Louis University)
Ryoichi Yamamoto (Kyoto University)



E-mail: kori@k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Hiroshi Kori, ECC11 conference chair)