Welcome to the Gaisler-Salomon (IGS) Lab


We are seeking post-doctoral and/or doctoral students to join our lab.
Please email: igsalomon@psy.haifa.ac.il

Research in the IGS lab revolves around two inter-related main subjects: (1) The molecular substrates of cognitive dysfunction, and (2) epigenetic mechanisms underlying the impact of stress on behavior. We use diverse genetic, molecular and behavior tools in mouse and rat models to address our research questions. See here for more details! 


Our research is made possible by grants from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), the binational science foundation (BSF), Ministry of Health and The National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel.

Our Lab Latest News:

Contact us:

Phone (Lab): 04-8249320

Phone (Office): 04-8249674

Email: igsalomon@psy.haifa.ac.il