
2006 Expert Witness on Eyewitness Identification State of Israel vs. Jaber Abu Isa 8001/05

1995 Expert Witness on Eyewitness Identification. State of Israel vs. Dani Tabib 1159/94

1994-1995 Chairman of the Israel Criminological Council, an advisory committee to the Minister of Justice and Minister of Police

1994-present Associate Editor, Justice Quarterly, The official publication of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

1992 Expert Witness on Eyewitness Identification, State of Israel vs. Muserati Gamil, 172/91, Ramle District Court

1987-1988 Chairman of The Israeli Society of Criminology

1986 Expert Witness on Eyewitness Identification, District Court of Beer Sheva, State of Israel vs. Naser Abu Sirhan, 261/86

1987 Member of the Israeli Police Department Counseling Committee for the Annual Correction Report

1986 Expert Witness on Prison Overcrowding. The Israeli Parliament Interior Committee