Potential Topics for Collaboration

Detection, tracking and characterization of Fish

Classification of fish from images (Optic or Sonar)

Hydroacoustic research

Underwater Acoustic Communication (mid range 1-5km): focus on robust medium range communication to allow transmission of text, voice, pictures, and video. The main goal is to achieve robustness to various sea conditions. Activities include:

Underwater Acoustic Communication (long range >50km): the focus will be on robust long range communication to allow robust low rate communication. Activities include:

Underwater Networks: development of entire stack layer for network supporting both unicast and broadcast transmissions for any (unknown) network topology. Activities include:

Detection of signals: development of detectors for signals of known and unknown structure to handle target detection and false alarm probabilities. Activities include:

Underwater Image compression: Due to the low bit rate of underwater acoustic communication, the focus here will be to find unique image (pictures and video) compression techniques for the underwater environment. 

Object Detection and Classification: the objective is to detect and classify in real-time an object of interest in picture or sonar data of an AUV. The activities will include:

Acoustic Measurements: 

Underwater navigation research

Observability analysis: the goal in this study is to learn what are the navigation features that can be updated given a set of measurements and a certain type of maneuvering.

Navigation in shallow water: the focus here is to compensate for fast time-varying pitch and roll angles due to surface waves. Activities include: 

Online calibration of sensors

Self localization: the focus here is to estimate the geographical location of a sensors given transmissions from anchor nodes. Activities include: