Team 5732


What is FRC?

"FRC is a competition designed to merge the excitement of  sport with the rigors of science and technology. This competition works to challenge students and test their ability in both the areas of engineering, coding and much more. The competitors work with strict rules to design, create, build and brand industrial-size robots to play difficult games and complete difficult challenges. Often described as the "hardest fun you'll ever have.""

Click here for more information on the official FIRST website.

About the team

Hailing from Bloomfield High School in New Jersey, the ROBOTIGERS are a restored Mid-Atlantic Region FRC team with new members and a new name after years of non-participation in the FIRST Robotics Competition. Formed in 2014, the veteran team will be participating in their seventh consecutive year of the FIRST Robotics Competition. Displayed on the right is an image of the 2021-2022 ROBOTIGERS and supervisor/leader, Mr. Warholak.

Where are WE Located?

The ROBOTIGERS are located at Bloomfield High School. Team meetings are held everyday unless otherwise noted, after school in Room A204. Visitors must check in at the front desk before proceeding. It is recommended to wear basic safety equipment prior to entering the workspace.

Useful links