Roald Dahl Geometric Characters

In Arts and Math classes our students explored using their creativity to make Geometric art.

Their objective was to create a Norway-inspired Crest with a Roald Dahl character, using only geometric figures or 8-bit art.

Here are their creations!


Antônio César - O BGA

Cecília - Matilda

Cheng - Matilda

Eduarda - The Witches

Felipe - The Witches

Gabriel - Matilda

Helena - Matilda

Isadora - Dragon

Laura - Norway Coat Arms

Lucas F. - Norway e Roald Dahl

Lucas H. - Charlie (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory)

Lucas M.


Manuela - Daisy (The Witches)

Marcela B. - Mouse (The Witches)

Marcela M. - Matilda

Maria - Willy Wonka (2005 film version)

Maria Clara

Maria Paula- Matilda

Noah - snake (the witches)

Sérgio - Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
