40 Years of EdN

School Founding

School of the Nations was founded on September 1, 1980. A place where children from different countries of diverse backgrounds could build a learning community where they could learn to live peacefully together as “world citizens” in a safe, healthy, happy environment while excelling academically.

Humble beginnings

The school opened with only 17 students and three rented classrooms in the recently built Independent British Institute (IBI). By 1981, the School had grown to 37 students, and classrooms occupied an entire wing of the Presbyterian Institute in Lago Sul, Brasilia.

A growing community

Over the next three years, School of the Nations would grow to serve nearly 100 students. In August 1987, the School, with its 140 students, moved to its current location, on a beautiful campus in a peaceful neighborhood in Brasilia.

Early Childhood

In 2002, the School inaugurated our second campus, just across from the first, to host our Early Childhood Education program for students from ages 2 to 6.

Building Expansions!

The School went through another great renovation in 2005 with the awesome addition of blocks F and G! Currently, this is where Middle School has classes.

Later on, in 2010, our Block E was renovated and expanded, adding more classrooms for High School students and the auditorium on the top floor.

Present Day

Currently, our School serves more than 800 students and continues to strive and improve itself with every opportunity! More renovations are planned and also in action to ensure students, parents and educators can enjoy this journey through education while doing the best they can!