Roald Dahl Geometric Characters

In Arts and Math classes our students explored using their creativity to make Geometric art.

Their objective was to create a Norway-inspired Crest with a Roald Dahl character, using only geometric figures or 8-bit art.

Here are their creations!

Amanda - Matilda

Andréa - Parrot (Matilda)

Andressa - Parrot (Matilda)



Cora - Matilda

Daniel - Parrot (Matilda)


Felipe - Parrot (Matilda)

Fernando - Lizard (Matilda)

Gabriel - Parrot (Matilda)

Izabela - Triturus (Matilda)

Joana - Matilda using her powers on the cake!

João Pedro - Bruce (Matilda)

Khalid - Parrot (Matilda)

Laura - Matilda


Pedro A. - Lizard (Matilda)

Pedro M. - Parrot (Matilda)

Valentina - Parrot (Matilda)

Victor - Parrot (Matilda)