Travel Tips/Architecture

Watch this video with some of the best places to visit in Italy

Check out the slides below which will show great places to visit and delicious food to enjoy. You might learn something about the geometry of their architecture as you go as well!

Alexy Sacha Inamine Bulc - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Alice Ligiéro Farret - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Antônio Vieira Dal Maso Jardim - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Benício Pereira de Figueiredo Caldas - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Catarina de Sousa Sepúlveda Pertence - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Davi Eugenio Barbosa - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Davi Horácio Gonçalves Sabóia - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Elena Araya Hurtado - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Farida Madatova - Nations Festival - Italy - Math

Here, Farida and Lea did their math Italy slides.

Aqui, Farida e Lea fizeram o slide Itália da matématica.

Fausto Scagliarini Melo Salomão Trezzi - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Francisco Nascimento Kreppel Paes - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Henrique Queiroz Zancanaro - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Henrique Redecker Azevedo - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
José André Abrahão de Carvalho - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Lea Radonjic - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Mainá Rocha de Queiroz - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Mathias Paraguassu Craesmeyer - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Maya Palazzo Schwarz - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Mirella Faur Capparelli de Vilhena - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Nathália de Castro Boros - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Nayeli Taimari Nalani Cora - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Pedro Cignachi Baeta Neves - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Pietro Tenório Dreyer - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Vinicius Kenzo Lage Yoshida - Nations Festival - Italy - Math
Vito Aquino Bonomo - Nations Festival - Italy - Math