
Por: Fausto e Mathias

Mathias Paraguassu Craesmeyer - Q3 - Hist/Geo - Semana 6 - Festival das Nações


Mathias e Fausto

Slide 1: A Itália

A itália é um país no sul da europa, Que é um país com uma cultura muito diferente, E uma comida muito boa. Ela existe desde tempos antigos, quando ela chamada de Roma. E foi lá que muitas comidas que todos nos gostamos, como a massa e a pizza foram inventadas.

Slide 2: Flora e Fauna

Há vários animais que vivem na itália, como o lince, o urso pardo, e os lobos. Também tem muitas plantas bonitas, como a mimosa, a planta nacional, as vinhas, jasmins, lavanda, buganvília e muito mais.

Slide 3: Arte

A arte italiana é muito diferente da nossa. Por exemplo, conhece a pintura Mona Lisa? Pois é, todo tipo de arte italiana se chama assim, sem contar de italianos terem um gosto de arte muito diferente do que nós gostamos.

Fausto Scagliarini Melo Salomão Trezzi - Final Copy Italy Project


Fausto 5B

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Page 1: Food (Surface Topic)

Some of the foods in Italy are known worldwide, this includes, pizza, lasagna, pasta, soups, and others, there are some pretty interesting facts about italian food, did you know that in any dining table there will always be, water, wine, and bread? Or that italy consumes the most pasta every year? Another interesting fact is that the wedding soup is not actually served in weddings and italian food is very important for italy since it brings a lot of revenue

Page 2: Fashion (Surface Topics)

Fashion in italy is quite an interesting topic, it has created one of the most famous and expensive fashion companies, that being GUCCI, another cool fact is that some older italian clothes focused more on beauty than comfort, italian fashion became popular during the renaissance in places such as florence, italian fashion is so famous that most celebrities pay italian fashionista to make their clothes when going to special events, this shows how amazing and profitable italian fashion is

Page 3: Dance (Surface Topic)

Italian dances are very interesting, in the fact that they are based on simple movements but high pace, the most famous dances are, Tarantella, Ballu Tundu and Neapolitan Saltarello, the most interesting of which is the Tarantella, the story behind this dance is if you were bit by a tarantula you would have to do it if you would want to cure the poison and another fact is that they are easy to learn, which is helpful since if you want to learn one it wont take a lot of time

Page 4: Language (Surface Topic)

Italian language similar to many other european languages has come from latin, it is also part of the romance languages, there are about 85 million italian speakers around the world, an impressive fact is that the longest italian word contains 26 words, it has also influence the languages of some other countries, like Brazil, it has influenced the general accent of some regions in it, Italian is also an easy to recognize language that sounds iconic and it is also what language Mario speaks

Page 5: Festivals (Surface Topic)

Italian festivals are very weird and unique, they include, The Battle of Oranges festivals consists of reenacting a 12th century skirmish, but with oranges, The Snake Handlers festival is one where snake catchers compete on who can catch the most snakes, the one which succeeded gets to show their catchings to the public and is considered a hero and The Fair of Sant'Orso is a festival where hundreds of craftspeople from Aosta Valley go and sell their sculptures and stuff like that on a massive fair

Page 6: Religion (Deep Topic)

The most famous religion in Italy is of course Christianity, after all Vatican City is literally inside the country, also because long ago Italy was actually part of the massive roman empire, an astonishing 85% of the Italian population cosists of Christians, mainly Roman Catholics, about 30-40% of the population attends church, the second largest religion is Muslim mixed in with other religions, and the last fact i will tell is that Italians are nicer to people that arent Christian compared to some other countries

Page 7: Action Towards Different Ages (Deep Topic)

Did you know that Italy has one of the highest rates of leaving your parents house at a high age, or that Italian parents are quite strict, other cool facts are that there is a massive respect for the elderly, women are encouraged to be strong and independent at a surprisingly low age and that Italian families most of the time are quite small and the children probability is also kind of small compared to other countries near it and children need to be very respectful to their parents

Mathias Paraguassu Craesmeyer - Final Copy Italy Project


Mathias 5B

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Page 1: Introduction

Italy is a very diverse country, with unique culture and cuisine. Different traditions, kinds of music, and a world full of wonders for us to voyage. Come with me through this wonderful journey through italy. It will be amazing! What are you waiting for? Hop on and lets explore this wonderful journey that is italy!

Page 2: Food

There is a lot of Italian food that we know and love, like pizza and pasta, but did you know that italian food is not just that? In italian food, we have tortillas, we have lasagna, that I think everyone knows about, risotto, which is like a lot of rice with a lot of veggies with a lot of different meat, it’s a bit strange, and I don’t know about you, but I don't like risotto.

Page 3: Language

The language is very different to English, but really near to Portugese. It has words like “Arrivederci” , which is Goodbye. (I know, strange, right?) The language is very different from most other languages, because it does not only use their mouths, they also use their hands! They make signs with their hands, like, when they like something, they do a simbol I know how it looks, I just don’t know how to describe it.

Page 4: Animals

There are loads of cool animals in italy! We have the Sardinian long-eared bat, the Italian cave salamander, and did you know that there is even a type of lynx in italy??? It's called the eurasian lynx. We also have wolves, a VERY strange porcupine (really it’s so disturbing),and even a snake! Nature is so cool, right? And even a hare! We have all that in italy.

Page 5: Rome

Rome is the capital of italy and one of the most famous cities in the world, principally because it has one of the wonders of the world: The Coliseum. But Rome is not known by only thet. It is known for its delicious pizza and foods. Italian food, everyone loves it, right? Pizza, Pasta, Tortilla… It is so good! I love italian food!

Page 6: Sports

Italian sports are like, let's say… Strange. Basketball, volleyball, and cycling are the next most popular sports, with Italy having a cool tradition in all three. Italy also has big traditions in swimming, water polo, rugby union, tennis, athletics, fencing and Formula One. Ok, I know, but you may be asking this:

“But, Mathias, what is strange in italian sports? I see nothing strange in that!”

Haha! This is the interesting part: They play a sport from years ago themselves created. I don’t know the name, but it is a sport that is totally rugby but… This is the strange part. They don’t wear protection suits! I swear I am telling the truth! Go search on youtube: “italian national sport” and I promise that i'm not lying.

Page 7: Traditions

Just stating that I will be talking about holidays, not the other kinds of traditions. We have the day of the Immaculate Conception, whatever that means; we also have the feast of the seven fishes, which happens on christmas eve, that is a big feast and they eat a lot of good things (italian food is always amazing). And I am happy to know that not everyone in the world has the same traditions.

Page 8: Movies

So, I recently saw a Italian movie this year called Cinema Paradíso. It tells the story about a normal italian boy that went to school, and he had this guy that worked at the local cinema and, one day, the cinema burned down and the old man got blind. They rebuilt the cinema and he started working there. After 50 years, the guy died and the cinema closed down. It is very cool but very sad.

Page Brazil and Italy

Page 9: Differences

Food. The food is very different. They pretty much don't eat meat!

Movies. Kinda but I am not sure.


Traditions. Both have Carnival!

Language. They are both Latin languages!

Page 10: Conclusion

Italy is a country with a lot of diversity and culture. It is a very interesting place to travel and discover new things. This is one of the one and only opportunities to learn about a different country, and my opinion is that you should be happy. You should be happy with what you have and do, like this opportunity. The opportunity of you learning with me. I hope you learned a lot too. See ya next time.

Mathias Part 1
Italy is a very diverse country, with unique culture and cuisine. Different traditions, kinds of music, and a world full of wonders for us to voyage. Come with me through this wonderful journey through italy. It will be amazing! What are you waiting for? Hop on and lets explore this wonderful journey that is italy!

Mathias Part 2

There is a lot of Italian food that we know and love, like pizza and pasta, but did you know that italian food is not just that? In italian food, we have tortillas, we have lasagna, that I think everyone knows about, risotto, which is like a lot of rice with a lot of veggies with a lot of different meat, it’s a bit strange, and I don’t know about you, but I don't like risotto.

Mathias Part 3

The language is very different to English, but really near to Portugese. It has words like “Arrivederci” , which is Goodbye. (I know, strange, right?) The language is very different from most other languages, because it does not only use their mouths, they also use their hands! They make signs with their hands, like, when they like something, they do a simbol I know how it looks, I just don’t know how to describe it.

Mathias Part 4

There are loads of cool animals in italy! We have the Sardinian long-eared bat, the Italian cave salamander, and did you know that there is even a type of lynx in italy??? It's called the eurasian lynx. We also have wolves, a VERY strange porcupine (really it’s so disturbing),and even a snake! Nature is so cool, right? And even a hare! We have all that in italy.

Mathias Part 5

Rome is the capital of italy and one of the most famous cities in the world, principally because it has one of the wonders of the world: The Coliseum. But Rome is not known by only thet. It is known for its delicious pizza and foods. Italian food, everyone loves it, right? Pizza, Pasta, Tortilla… It is so good! I love italian food!

Mathias Part 6

Italian sports are like, let's say… Strange. Basketball, volleyball, and cycling are the next most popular sports, with Italy having a cool tradition in all three. Italy also has big traditions in swimming, water polo, rugby union, tennis, athletics, fencing and Formula One. Ok, I know, but you may be asking this:

“But, Mathias, what is strange in italian sports? I see nothing strange in that!”

Haha! This is the interesting part: They play a sport from years ago themselves created. I don’t know the name, but it is a sport that is totally rugby but… This is the strange part. They don’t wear protection suits! I swear I am telling the truth! Go search on youtube: “italian national sport” and I promise that i'm not lying.

Mathias Part 7

Just stating that I will be talking about holidays, not the other kinds of traditions. We have the day of the Immaculate Conception, whatever that means; we also have the feast of the seven fishes, which happens on christmas eve, that is a big feast and they eat a lot of good things (italian food is always amazing). And I am happy to know that not everyone in the world has the same traditions.

Mathias Part 8

So, I recently saw a Italian movie this year called Cinema Paradíso. It tells the story about a normal italian boy that went to school, and he had this guy that worked at the local cinema and, one day, the cinema burned down and the old man got blind. They rebuilt the cinema and he started working there. After 50 years, the guy died and the cinema closed down. It is very cool but very sad.

Mathias Part 9


Food. The food is very different. They pretty much don't eat meat!

Movies. Kinda but I am not sure.


Traditions. Both have Carnaval!

Language. They are both Latin languages!

Mathias Part 10

Italy is a country with a lot of diversity and culture. It is a very interesting place to travel and discover new things. This is one of the one and only opportunities to learn about a different country, and my opinion is that you should be happy. You should be happy with what you have and do, like this opportunity. The opportunity of you learning with me. I hope you learned a lot too. See ya next time.