Counselors' Corner


Welcome to the Edison School Counseling Department Website! Please follow our table of contents to navigate the website. Our contact information is at the bottom of the website - feel free to reach out to us by email or booking an appointment!

Also, check out our page


Edison Local's Career Pathways

All of the informaiton for the new Career Pathways! Clink

Will you be Enrolled, Enlisted, or Employed?

Book an appointment with your Career Pathways Coach, Mrs. Eft.

Which "E" will YOU be?

Staff will be approaching students this year to find out which "E" they have chosen. Be prepared to answer, "I am enrolled", "I am enlisted", or "I am employed".

Mrs. Eft's Career Pathways Website HERE

We wish you luck in all your future endeavors!

Career Pathways Cards.pptx

Career Pathways Cards

Bullying Resources

*Always report bullying and/or harassment to an adult that you trust, so it can be handled immediately- be an upstander!*

What is a bystander?

  • A bystander is someone who witnesses what happens but does nothing. Bystanders can be friends, students, peers, teachers, school staff, parents, or coaches.

What is an upstander?

  • An upstander is someone who sees what happens and intervenes, interrupts, or speaks up to stop the bullying. An upstander reports the bullying to a trusted adult.

Student Bullying and Awareness Guide

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Guide

Remind 101

In an attempt to increase communication, the School Counseling Department will be sending messages via text and email through Remind 101. This is a one way communication tool that allows us to provide information and we are encouraging parents/guardians and students to sign up!

Text 81010 with the message @graduationyear-ehs.

Seniors: @2022-ehs

Juniors: @2023-ehs

Sophomores: @2024-ehs

Freshman: @2025-ehs

Grading Scale

A = 100 - 90

B = 89 - 80

C = 79 - 70

D = 69 - 60

F = 59 or below

Honor Roll Information

  • To receive Highest Honors you must have a GPA of 4.0 for the nine weeks

  • To receive High Honors you must have a GPA of 3.75-3.99 for the nine weeks

  • To receive Honor Roll you must have a GPA of 3.0-3.75 for the nine weeks