7th Short Stories, Articles, Dramas, & Poems

National Geographic Documentary on the Recovery of the Whydah

Documentary about the Apollo 13 Mission & Footage of the Astronauts Being Rescued

Hindenburg Disaster

"The Lady of Shalott" Music Video & Artwork Imagery

The Lady of Shalott.pdf

Mythbusters test the Escape from Alcatraz

Resources on Paul Revere

Check out a portrait of Paul Revere by John Singleton Copley (1768).

Check out The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Grant Wood (1931).

Read an abridged transcript of Paul Revere's letter to Jeremy Belknap.

You can also read a summary of the actual historical version of Paul Revere's rid on the Paul Revere House website.

Short Documentaries on the Discovery of King Tut's Tomb

Mongoose v. Cobra (for Rudyard Kipling's "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi")