
Fluency is more than just being able to read the words on a page. There are a lot of different factors that play into a student reading text fluency. Find the different parts of fluency below.

As students are reading, ensure that the student is practicing fluency on text that matches their reading ability. If the student is not yet fluent, they should be practicing fluency with decodable texts. You can find the decodable texts under the curriculum tab or on the phonics page!

Words per minute

When given 2nd-grade reading material, a 2nd-grade student should be reading the following amount of words per minute. The first number is the lowest number considered to be okay. Aim for the higher number!

Beginning of year: 54-68 words per minute

Middle of year: 72-91 words per minute

End of year: 87-104 words per minute


Reading a text with proper phrasing helps to communicate its meaning more clearly. This can be especially true with poems, in which phrasing and rhythm are important elements. Students should read with proper phrasing, rhythm, and intonation.


Reading a text accurately, or correctly, is very important for comprehension. If students do not recognize or mispronounce a word while reading, they should stop reading and decode the word, syllable by syllable if necessary. They can also use context to understand the word and self-correct their pronunciation. Then they should reread the entire sentence several times until they can read it accurately and automatically.


Reading with expression is another aspect of fluency. Inform students that using expression while reading dialogue, or conversation, helps to emphasize characters' words.


Reading at an appropriate rate, or speed, can help them understand a story. Punctuation marks signal when it is appropriate to pause while reading. Commas within sentences signal brief pauses. End punctuation, such as periods, question marks, and exclamation points, signal longer pauses. Pausing gives both readers and listeners time to understand the meaning of text.


Being able to read words automatically is important. This means students should be able to quickly look at the words and read them. If they do not know how to pronounce a word, students should stop reading and decode each syllable of the word, then practice automaticity by rereading the sentence.